
News Roundup 12/27/23

News Roundup 12/27/23

Ukraine Japan to Send Patriot Interceptors to the US, Freeing Up American Supplies to Send to Ukraine The Institute  Israel Netanyahu Vows to Expand Operations in Gaza, Says War Isn’t Close to Finished AWC Netanyahu Says He’s Looking for Countries to ‘Absorb’...

News Roundup 12/27/23

News Roundup 12/18/2023

US News House Passes $886 Billion National Defense Authorization Act AWC Venezuela Guyana and Venezuela Agree Not to Use Military Force to Resolve Territorial Dispute Miami Herald AWC Ukraine Senate to Return Next Week to Work on Border Deal to Get Ukraine Aid AWC...

UK Joins US Conducting Drone Flights Over Gaza

UK Joins US Conducting Drone Flights Over Gaza

The UK announced on Saturday that it would begin surveillance flights in the skies above Gaza in search of captives held by Hamas. Over the past month, the US has conducted drone operations seeking hostages. Both Washington and London have engaged in a military...

Iraqi Militias Launch Strikes on Bases with US Troops

Iraqi Militias Launch Strikes on Bases with US Troops

Update: US Central Command confirmed that three drones were fired at US soldiers over 24 hours. Two drones were successfully intercepted while one crashed and caused "minor injuries" to coalition forces. Two Iraqi Shia militias used drones to target bases in Iraq...

News Roundup 12/27/23

News Roundup 10/5/2023

Russia President Biden said Wednesday that he was worried about the prospect of Congress authorizing more Ukraine aid after Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was removed as speaker of the House. AWC Ukrainian officials are “freaking out” over the uncertainty about new...



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