News Roundup 5/22/2024

News Roundup 5/22/2024

Russia Top US General Says There Are ‘No Plans’ To Send US Trainers to Ukraine AWC Zelensky Says NATO Should Shoot Down Russian Missiles Over Ukraine AWC China US Working with EU to Sanction China SCMP Israel Israel Seizes AP’s Equipment, Reverses Move After Pressure...

The heroic Robert Fisk would be rolling in his grave!

The West, Inc prides itself on the rhetoric of individual rights. We know this not to be true, collectivism reigns supreme!  War and foreign policy, the collectivists delight, where racism and every -ism is validated and enforced.  You see, Palestinians right now are...

News Roundup 5/22/2024

News Roundup 5/16/2024

Ukraine Blinken Justifies Zelensky’s Decision To Cancel Ukrainian Elections AWC Blinken Announces $2 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine as Russian Forces Advance AWC Estonia ‘Seriously’ Discussing Sending Troops to Ukraine AWC Europe Biden Signs Bill Banning Russian...

News Roundup 5/22/2024

News Roundup 5/14/2024

Ukraine Sweden Is Open to Hosting NATO Nuclear Weapons The Institute  Ukraine Says EU Plan To Provide Over $3 Billion Per Year Is ‘Almost Nothing’ AWC Ukraine’s Kharkiv Commander Gets Replaced as Russian Forces Advance AWC Israel CNN Speaks With Israel Whistleblowers...



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