
How Many Times Must It Be Brought Up?

The police are not there to protect you. The courts have ruled on this over and over again. Castle Rock v Gonzalez Lozito v NYC (Interview with Mr Lozito here) Warren v District of Columbia The discussion that continues by the pundits, even "respectable" ones, fails...

Cop Kills Man

San Antonio Police officer Steve Casanova murdered Charles “Chop” Roundtree Jr., an 18-year-old sitting on his couch playing video games. Then his friend, the other security force agent, murdered the guy's dog. And all of us know for a fact already that they will all...

Thanks For Your Cooperation Citizen

Consent Factory and Off Guardian: 50 Headlines: Welcome To The "New Normal" Our erstwhile collaborators at Consent Factory have put together a wonderful collection of all the great work being done by our Beloved Governments to keep us all safe. Always remember that...

Cops Kill Man

This is the one the FTP covered last week where the cops knew they were going to a bogus noise complaint, they hid out of the way of the peephole after banging on the door in the middle of the night, then when the guy answered the door with a gun in his hand, they...

Mary Shaw is a Guilty Murderer

That's the judge who signed Breonna Taylor's death warrant. Like the kids in the street chant: Say Her Name: Judge Mary Shaw, The Guilty Murderer. Now, of course, each and every single one of us knows for an absolute scientific fact that Mary Shaw will never ever be...

If That Ain’t The Most Soviet Thing…

Guys, check out this screed against a payroll tax cut at CNN.com. Their awesome points: Trump wants it. Some Republicans and Democrats don't want it. Some people say it won't "boost" the economy now. It won't help people who don't have jobs. There's still a virus, and...

More Regarding The Latest Russiaphobia

Lee Camp makes the same point as Sheldon. Why pay for what you can get for free. We could talk about the context of the fact that the Taliban does not need to be paid to kill American soldiers because their entire goal for the past twenty years has been to kill...



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