
All Cops Are Bastards

The sub-human government employees of South Florida are at it again: On Thursday, the Miami Herald reported that the Miami-Dade Police Department has issued 162 citations for violating the county's mandatory mask ordinance, which comes with a $100 penalty. One woman,...

America’s Hobbesian Tyranny

America’s Hobbesian Tyranny

Almost 400 years ago, English philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote a book scoffing at tyrannophobia—the “fear of being strongly governed.” This was a peculiar term that Hobbes invented in Leviathan, since civilized nations had feared tyrants for almost 2000 years at that...

Donald Trump on Ghislaine Maxwell: ‘I Wish Her Well’

"I just wish her well, frankly. I've met her numerous times over the years... I just wish her well, whatever it is." Anyone else? Anyone else wish Ghislaine Maxwell "well"? I don't. I think that if only bad things happen to her from now on that would be just fine....

Flynn-Kislyak Call Transcript Released

As we already knew, the bad part is him trying to get Russia to veto the UNSC Israel-Palestine resolution. The part about the sanctions and avoiding "tough guy" "tit-for-tat" escalation of tensions over Obama's sanctions was perfectly fine if not heroic.

A Nation of Snitches

Our countrymen. Largely confined to their homes and worried about the spread of the coronavirus and its risks to their own health or that of loved ones, a segment of the United States has turned informant, calling the police, public health authorities and the...



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