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Cops Frame Dozens of Innocent People With Fake Heroin

In Raleigh, NC. Oh well though that's just "collateral damage" in the great drug war right folks? Like my friend's sister who they killed with an "experimental" new pain killer since her doctors were afraid of what the federal cops might do if they found out he was...

Cops Kill Man

That will teach that n-word to have epilepsy! https://twitter.com/attorneycrump/status/1291207546095763457?s=21 Don't worry, thin blue line folks out there!: There is zero chance any of your beloved government-employee murderers will be held accountable for their...

You Have the Right to Secretly Record the Police

A federal judge ordered the Boston Police Department and the Suffolk County District Attorney to notify their officers and prosecutors that people have the right to secretly record police, as long as the police are on-duty and in public.



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