
The Royal Navy Stumbles, Again

The Fat Amy follies continue apace. We discussed this recently and it looks more and more likely that the hapless and increasingly Orwellian Starmer junta in the UK may be reneging on plans to buy more than the present complement of shoddy F35B aircraft they currently...

Sealift Takes a Dump: The US Navy Continues to Degrade

Another USN ship disaster in the offing. Contrary to what one would first think, this is tangential to the "IED* recruiting crisis." This is due to a separate recruiting crisis in Military Sealift Command (MSC) caused by the extreme workloads the civilian mariners who...

Sig P320/M17/18: MILSPEC is Overrated

A negligent discharge (ND) in a weapon is when the operator strokes the trigger that results in the firing of the weapon. In my time, the lion's share of these are NDs but actual mechanical (unintentional, accidental or "uncommanded") discharges were rare and then the...

The F35 Follies: Britannia Rules a Little

My recommendation to the British MoD: don't buy anymore of these flying failure factories. U.K. planned to buy138 F-35s, bought 48, delivered 35, aims at 75 by 2025. Judging from the delays and failures universally in the program, achieving a delivery of all...

Raptor Woes Continue to Plague the Air Force

More mismanagement and strategic deficit disorder at the Pentagon. The F22 Raptor is a very capable late 20th century aircraft and arguably superior to the much more expensive and increasingly anachronistic  F35; it is being put out to pasture early because of...



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