George W. Bush

Joe Biden is Unbelievable Scum, On Everything, Always

Here read all about Joe Biden lying about the trucker that his wife drove out in front of back in '72, falsely accusing the man of being drunk and at fault. How does a man lie about the death of his own wife and little girl? For what? That it gains him .00001% more...

It’s Now Raimondo’s World

It’s Now Raimondo’s World

Justin Raimondo is dying. It’s October 2018 and I am headed to the ‘Raimondo Ranch’, in Sebastopol, northern California, to visit the home of the founder of, the cult website that kept the faith in the early days of the net as Bill Clinton mindlessly...

John Durham to the Rescue!

Don't worry everyone! John Durham, the same honorless scumbag Obama's attorney general Eric Holder used to put the final coverup on George W. Bush's lawless torture and murder regime, has been appointed by current attorney general Barr to get to the bottom of the...



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