
News Roundup 3/8/17

Drone strikes are up over 400% during the Trump presidency. Trump is carrying out a drone strike every 1.25 days. [Link] Wikileaks released documents from the CIA showing some of the programs within the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence. Some of the documents show...

News Roundup 3/7/17

Trump signs a new executive order reinstating the travel ban. This executive order does not include Iraq and does not include VISA holders. The new executive order lists several situations where people may be exempt from the travel ban. Trump is also stopping the...

Major Papers Target AG Sessions Over Russia

On Wednesday night, the big three papers, the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall St. Journal, all ran articles attacking the Trump administration over their supposed "ties" to Russia. Yet, in the tradition of anti-Russia hype in the American media, on close...



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