
News Roundup 8/8/17

This article looks at the generals in Trump's administration. [Link] Police were able to seize $21,000 from a sex worker with civil asset forfeiture. [Link] The City of Chicago is using SWAT to manage mental health crises. [Link] The son of "El-Chapo" has been...

Truman, A-Bombs, and the Killing of Innocents

Today marks the 72nd anniversary of U.S. President Harry Truman's atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan. The atomic bombing of Nagasaki took place three days later in 1945. Some 90,000-166,000 individuals were killed in Hiroshima. The Nagasaki bombing killed...

War Is Not Moral

I recently finished an article where I lay out why I think war itself should be considered immoral, and what an alternative could be. When I was in the military, I struggled knowing that my hard work was helping get people killed.  Those who maybe deserved it but also...



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