
News Roundup 12/15/2021

News Roundup 12/15/2021

US News The LAPD worked with the Polish company Edge NPD during the George Floyd protests to monitor social media posts supporting “defund the police” and Black Lives Matter. [Link] Amtrak suspends its vaccine mandate to avoid service cuts. Less than five percent of...

News Roundup 12/15/2021

News Roundup 8/5/21

US News San Diego police killed a man by shooting him in the back. [Link] Five Miami Police officers were arrested and charged with battery for the brutal arrest of two men. [Link] Foreign Policy Florida’s governor gives Ben and Jerry’s parent company 90 days to undo...

News Roundup 12/15/2021

News Roundup 3/31/21

US News Two police officers threaten and handcuff a 5-year-old boy for leaving school without permission. [Link] The New York State Senate passed a bill that legalizes cannabis. The governor has signaled he will sign the bill. [Link] The US affirms its recognition of...

News Roundup 12/15/2021

News Roundup 12/28/20

US News Trump signs the massive Covid bailout/spending bill into law. [Link] Obama said he needed the aggressive drone program because he couldn’t afford to look soft on terrorism. [Link] Biden attacks Trump for not responding more to the hack of the Treasury and...

News Roundup 12/15/2021

News Roundup 4/1/20

US News The Department of Justice Inspector General found that every FBI FISA warrant had several problems and abuses. The average warrant had 20 problems, with one having as many as 65. [Link] The Pentagon wants to make its 5-year spending plan classified. [Link]...

News Roundup 12/15/2021

News Roundup 2/3/20

US News Trump places visa bans on people from Nigeria, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, and Myanmar. People from Tanzania and Sudan are no longer eligible for diversity visas. [Link] Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Ukraine and told the country it will have support from the...

The Reductio ad Absurdum of Diversity

The Reductio ad Absurdum of Diversity

Pasted several paragraphs below is a letter to the Wall Street Journal from the chancellor of the University of California at Davis and the vice chancellor for diversity, equity and inclusion. The letter reveals what they believe is the mission of a university and...



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