
Your Data For Sale – Who’s Buying?

There are 160 apps on my phone. What they’re actually doing, I don’t know. But I decided to find out. I have a feeling these apps are spying on me. Well, not listening in, but that they’re keeping track of where I am at all times. That my every move is shared on. When...

I’d Rather By Ruled By One…

… or three, or five, or even ten. Yes, I know, i dOn’T wAnT tO bE rUleD bY aNyOnE (But for us over here living in reality and not Fantasyland…). But when you are ruled by 2.1 million civil employees, who do you blame when something goes wrong? How about horribly...



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Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Americans today have “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, injected, harassed, surveilled, vilified, disarmed, beaten, detained, and maybe shot by federal agents. From hapless homeowners hit by SWAT raids to pandemic lockdowns pointlessly paralyzing lives, government...

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