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Janet Reno

Techno-Agorist #37: Waco pt. 3 of 3 Judgment Day

Techno-Agorist #37: Waco pt. 3 of 3 Judgment Day

My name is Ryan and I am an agorist. Two days ago was the 27th anniversary of the slaughter of the Branch Davidians in Waco by the federal government. My buddy Cam, host of the Make Liberty Great Again podcast and co-founder of the MLGA Network recently wrote and...

Ruby Ridge Killings 27 Years Ago

Ruby Ridge Killings 27 Years Ago

Twenty-seven years ago today, a U.S. Marshal shot and killed 14-year-old Sammy Weaver in the back.  The boy was leaving the scene of a firefight that erupted after camouflaged marshals shot and killed his beloved family dog.  The following day, an FBI sniper killed...

Remember Waco.

So the Houston Chronicle is running a story about the real victims of the Waco Massacre -- the ATF paramilitary forces which launched their "Operation Showtime" raid on a peaceful home/church on a Sunday morning, killing 6 innocent people, and getting four of...

Janet Reno: Justice Delayed was Justice Denied

In the early hours of November 7, Janet Reno died at the age of 78 from complications of Parkinson’s disease. Her niece “confirmed to CBS News that Reno died peacefully at home surrounded by family and friends.” It’s unfortunate that, unlike many of her victims, she...

Janet Reno’s Authoritarian Legacy

Rarely has an attorney general matched her shredding of the Constitution Former Attorney General Janet Reno passed away on Monday. While the media is awarding her sainthood as the first female attorney general, her eight years in office were a disaster for Americans’...



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Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Americans today have “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, injected, harassed, surveilled, vilified, disarmed, beaten, detained, and maybe shot by federal agents. From hapless homeowners hit by SWAT raids to pandemic lockdowns pointlessly paralyzing lives, government...

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