Jeff Deist

My Speech at the Mises Event

On November 9, I participated in a Mises Institute event in Lake Jackson, Texas with Jeff Deist, Dan McAdams, Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell and Ron Paul. (Ain't that something?) Jeff asked me to speak on "Propaganda and the 2020 Foreign Policy Debate." I was first:...

Symposium With Ron Paul

Hey yall on Saturday, November 9, in Lake Jackson, Texas (south of Houston), I'll be doing an event with Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, Tom Woods, Jeff Deist and Dan McAdams. I think I'm going on first, so get there early!

The Bureaucratic Revolution

On the Human Action podcast, Jeff Deist interviews William L. Anderson about the Ludwig von Mises classic Bureaucracy. Update: Mises is killing it today. Also check out this great article, "3 Ways to Help Bridge the Racial Wealth Gap," by Jordan Setayesh.

Lake Jackson Mises Institute Speech

This Saturday I'm doing an event in Lake Jackson with the heroic Ron Paul, Dan McAdams, Debra Medina, Jeff Deist and Lew Rockwell. It's called the "Symposium on New and Alternative Media with Ron Paul." See yall there.



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