mass killing

News Roundup 7/14/20

News Roundup 7/14/20

US News A fire injured twenty-one people on the USS Bonhomme. The ship is docked in San Diego. [Link] The federal government ran an $867 billion deficit in June. The US is running a $2.7 trillion deficit for the year. With three months left in the year, the current...

Gun Violence in California

Gun Violence in California

Upon hearing that a man dressed in a military-style outfit was shooting people with an assault rifle at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California on Sunday, I imagine that there were at least some Californians saying to themselves, “That’s impossible. It’s illegal in...

AI: The Human Delusion

Whether we like it or not Artificial Intelligence is upon us. It already exists in basic forms in time will it grow and evolve into a non biological organism that will defy what ever intentions the creators had or likely did not have for it.  Like the first atomic...

News Roundup 5/16/17

The Trump Administration is accusing the Syria government of mass killings. [Link] This article makes the case that the US military is the world largest polluter. [Link] Soldiers rebelling against the Ivory Coast government block a road connecting Ivory Coast and...



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