
No Free Speech. No Privacy.

Let’s keep things simple and clear. There are no free speech platforms on Apple or Google. Apple rules. Google rules. Their rules do not permit free speech. PERIOD! Additionally, Apple and Google are surveillance platforms that require “social media” apps to do...

AOC Exposes Herself as a Total Fraud

AOC Exposes Herself as a Total Fraud

  So often Democratic Socialists will claim that private companies are bad because they care not about others but only for their own personal benefit. Want money voluntarily? That's greed! Taking money via taxation with the threat of jailing peaceful people,...

The Santa Clause Mindset

The Santa Clause Mindset

What kind of imbecile would believe that everyone can acquire and consume massive amounts of resources for "free"? A child that's who. How can someone say "education should be free"? Are all the teachers unpaid volunteers? Did the construction workers who built the...

Military Conscription is Slavery

Military Conscription is Slavery

Anytime a sane person mentions the reality that military conscription is forced labor under vile conditions and therefore slavery, the person is almost always met with "but soldiers got paid." The bizarre response comes from the term "free labor" and the assumptions...



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