North Korea

FPF #183 – Koreans Push for Peace

On FPF #183, I discuss the Korean peace process. Recently, South Korea said the Koreans will look end the Korean War and Trump gave his 'blessing' to Korean peace. Trump then announced CIA Director Mike Pompeo traveled to North Korea to meet with Kim Jung Un. South...

News Roundup 4/18/18

Rep Charlie Dent will resign from Congress. [Link] The government wants access to all encrypted data. [Link] The US attempted to use Cuba's hip-hop scene to spark an uprising. [Link] Greece and Turkey have long-standing airspace and island territory issues....

FPF #172 – How Bad is Bolton?

On FPF #172, I discuss Trump's announcement that John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as National Security Advisor. Bolton continues to support the Iraq War, and he was involved in lying us into the war. Bolton has been a long opponent of the Iran Nuclear Deal. He has...



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