
News Roundup 6/2/21

News Roundup 6/2/21

Great Power Biden’s 2022 Pentagon budget calls for fewer bombs that are typically used in the Middle East and more munitions to target China. [Link] Russia says it is revoking the 1992 “open lands” accord with the US in response to the US expelling Russian diplomats....

News Roundup 6/2/21

News Roundup 5/12/21

Afghanistan Pakistan rules out allowing the US to reposition forces from Afghanistan in Pakistan. [Link] CENTCOM reports that withdrawal from Afghanistan is 6-12% complete. [Link] Israel Israel vows escalation in Gaza. So far 35 people in Gaza and five in Israel have...

News Roundup 6/2/21

News Roundup 3/30/21

US News An elderly man's home was raided by police, looking for a man who wasn’t there. During the raid, police beat the man in front of his great-granddaughter. [Link] The US is planning massive war games to simulate conflict with Russia and China. [Link] Biden says...

Andrew Cockburn: Blips On The Screen

What is the point of having this superb military if you can't use it? The record of this year’s wars shows that although these weapons may not provide a decisive edge in combat they excel in self-advertisement, projecting an image of all-seeing omnipotence. Drones...



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