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News Roundup 9/2/2024

News Roundup 9/2/2024

Russia Russia To Change Nuclear Doctrine in Response to Western Escalations AWC China Chinese, Philippine Vessels Collide Near Sabina Shoal for Third Time AWC Israel Israel: 6 Hostages, Including 1 American, Found Dead in Gaza The Institute  Israel’s Main Labor Union...

Collision Alarm: Terror on the Horizon

"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell." -William Tecumseh Sherman I hate to say I told...

The Veteran Cry

The Veteran Cry

Usually boys and men, that’s who is required to make war, to kill, maim, kidnap, torture and destroy. And in turn they can be killed, maimed, kidnapped, tortured, and destroyed even after they return, though they never really do. They are required to make the wars...

The Spirit Dissolves: Imminent B2 Retirement

Stealth is a buzzword, please keep in mind that long wave radars detects the minuscule radar cross sections of "stealth" platforms. It can still be detected by a sufficiently powerful radar or at sufficiently close ranges. Dual-band radars are more effective against...



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