
Center-left Shit-Lib-ism is a Psychosis

Virginia Democrat wants to charge you with a crime and take your children away if you interfere with their government school convincing them to "change" their gender. When the revolution comes, I say we team up with the Communists to lock all the liberals in the...

Unite and Stabilize America!

First step: Label all radical right-wing dissent "terrorism." Step two: outlaw the most popular rifle in America. Step three: ??? Step four: Unity and Stability!...

Live in Philly? Better Arm Up Now.

Via BigLeaguePolitics: Leaked Memo: Philadelphia Unleashes Looters, Police Will Not Make Arrests For Property Theft, Drug Crimes During State of Emergency (There's no such thing as a "drug crime," right-wing kooks. Richard Nixon is dead, okay? Prostitution among...



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