They love you so much. You can tell by the light blue flag of peace and friendship. Plus all the wonderful rape-babies. U.N. Peacekeepers in Haiti Said to Have Fathered Hundreds of Children “Girls as young as 11 were sexually abused and impregnated” by peacekeepers,...
Food For Thought
by Scott Horton | Dec 17, 2019 | Blog
Thom writes, re "Prescription For Violence: The Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs & Mass Shootings": I am a psychopath. I am a family man, I own guns. I would never go out and shoot innocent people. I think calling psychopaths murderous people it’s not...
That Money They Took Right Out of Your Paycheck?
by Scott Horton | Dec 17, 2019 | Blog
It went straight to your enemies.
You’re not paranoid. Your phone really is listening in.
by Scott Horton | Dec 16, 2019 | Blog
This is all just fine, right?
NBC Tattle-Tales on Trump, Claiming He Wants Out of Afghanistan
by Scott Horton | Dec 14, 2019 | Blog
Which they take at face value and also to be a horrible, cynical thing to do. Which, if it's at all true, then it probably is for political reasons, but so what? Doesn't that just mean that that's what the American people -- the right even -- want to happen, and that...
I Think I Finally “Get” The Economy
by Zack Sorenson | Dec 12, 2019 | Blog
So more big Fed cash floods into the market? Back during QE2 you had partisan hack Krugman rationalizing it all (though QE had little to do with his Keynesian philosophy). Guys like Bob Murphy were saying, "Yep, this is it, get ready for the inflation." And then it...
Saudi Gunman Tweeted Why He Attacked Pensacola
by Jason Ditz | Dec 10, 2019 | Featured Articles, Foreign Policy, Politics
The Trump Administration is bound and determined not to draw any conclusions about Saudi Air Force gunman Mohammed Alshamrani, who killed three people on Friday in Pensacola. There seems to be a palpable fear that anything terror-related would make the Saudis look...
Torture: Infliction Of Severe Physical Pain As A Means Of Punishment Or Coercion
by Steven Woskow | Dec 9, 2019 | Blog
"MORALITY is doing what is RIGHT regardless of what you're told CONFORMITY is doing what you're told regardless of what is right!"
The US is the World Leader with No Pier
Yet another existential chaos avalanche in American foreign policy. The pier took two months and $350m to build, lasted 12 days, and delivered less than 60 trucks' worth of food (most of which was stolen after it reached Gaza) before it broke and had to be towed away...
Kyle Anzalone on Judge Nap: Antiwar Wrap-Up
Check out Kyle's latest appearance on Judge Napolitano's show, Judging Freedom.
Middle East Conflicts And The Taiwan Strait: Kyle Anzalone on the Expat Money Show
Kyle joined the Expat Money show to discuss growing tensions between Beijing and Taipei, as well as updates on Israel's war on Gaza and the broader geopolitical situation in the Middle East.
Abolish ATF
They are cold-blooded murderers.
Radicalism for the Young – Anti-War Blog
Radicalism is for the youth, but drips away over time. Generation X watched their hippy parents become corporate and government stooges, gorged on real estate and careerism. The Pump up the Volume teenagers became parents, lost the radicalism to care about the world,...
Economics in One Other Lesson
"The number one principle of economics...: the secret of mass consumption is mass production.... What about distribution? Here's what we know from all of human history, all of economic history. Any large increase in production is widely shared. There's no such thing...
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