
News Roundup 8/5/21

News Roundup 8/5/21

US News San Diego police killed a man by shooting him in the back. [Link] Five Miami Police officers were arrested and charged with battery for the brutal arrest of two men. [Link] Foreign Policy Florida’s governor gives Ben and Jerry’s parent company 90 days to undo...

News Roundup 8/5/21

News Roundup 7/22/21

US News NYPD training documents show officers are taught how to access sealed arrest records. [Link] The National Parks Service is joining the surveillance state. The NPS will begin sending names of people who request permits to the White House database. [Link] An...

Consent of the Governed?

Consent of the Governed?

What gives some people the right to rule others? At least since John Locke’s time, the most common and seemingly compelling answer has been “the consent of the governed.” When the North American revolutionaries set out to justify their secession from the British...



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