
The Future of Military Technology is Intense

But the future of the human race is in doubt. The Science of war is looking more like science fiction.  Technologies that were once confined to the fevered dreams of Hollywood sci-fi directors are becoming commonplace throughout projections of tomorrows military:...

Privacy Rights and Regulations

Privacy Rights and Regulations

I value my privacy. It is nearly always on my mind as I interact online, but also as I live in the so-called real world. In the evening, I pull the shades down. I just don't like having people watch me, whether I am reading a book, enjoying a television show, or...

Napster, File Sharing, and Private Property

Napster, File Sharing, and Private Property

In 1999, a teenager named Shawn Fanning creating a file sharing application called Napster which took the world by storm. This application revolutionized how MP3 audio files could be shared. Anybody who was into computers at that time can remember how amazing it was...

Tor and the So-Called Dark Web

Tor and the So-Called Dark Web

The word Tor comes from the acronym T-O-R which stands for The Onion Router. What the Onion Router--or Tor--does is it routes your internet traffic through multiple Tor nodes on its way to your destination. So, on the regular internet, what we call the clear web, if...



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