
The Real Enemy: The Bin Ladenites

Probably-ISIS just attacked civilians at a theater in Moscow. I have no reason to believe the U.S. is currently backing these terrorists like back in the Clinton and Bush years, other, perhaps than that they did then, but regardless, this terrorism should be a...

Pentagon Still Open to US Troops in Haiti

Pentagon Still Open to US Troops in Haiti

A senior US military official said the Pentagon has not yet ruled out an American deployment to Haiti, which has seen a spike in violent unrest that prompted the resignation of the country’s prime minister last week.

Mangy Old Cathy Young

This will probably have to be cut from the book for space, but I would hate to deprive you good people of more reason to despise the worst writer at Reason. She's so gross: It is no surprise though. In December 2001 Young ridiculed what she called the “canard” that...



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