
Ban This!

Well shoot. I got kicked off of Twitter again. Not sure why. Though I did make a crack that Jordan Peterson should jump off a bridge since he has no dignity since he RTs the MeK cult on regime changing Iran. I mean I didn't really say go kill yourself. It was more...

These People Are Out of Their Minds

I mean the consensus take over there at ForeignPolicy.com on the Russia-Ukraine war. Same as it ever was and all, but this time with H-bombs. This is why history is so fucked up. It's just the crazy-ass present of the past. Let's hope humanity at least survives the...

Chomsky on MacNamara’s Confession

Boy does this have a ring of truth to it: “The one interesting aspect of the book is how little [MacNamara] understood about what was going on or understands today. He doesn’t even understand what he was involved in. I assume he’s telling the truth. The book has a...


I've cited many times former Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovich explaining that he felt like a bride greeted with a prenup at his wedding, when discussing the broken negotiations over Ukraine's potential 2013 deal with the EU. That was wrong. It was Angela Merkel...



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