
The F35: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

“Soon after publication ‘Superiority’ was inserted into the Engineering curriculum of MIT, to warn the graduates that the Better is often the enemy of the Good, and the Best can be the enemy of both, as it is always too late.” - Arthur C. Clarke Superiority by Arthur...

Dogs Have Better Medical Care than Humans

Dogs Have Better Medical Care than Humans

When my wife and I recently moved to Tucson from Phoenix, we had to find a new family doctor.  Then, shortly after the move, we got a new puppy—which we named Cato—and had to find a veterinarian. There was a marked contrast between the two experiences. In short, it’s...

Conservative Erectile Dysfunction

I don’t have a rooster in the ongoing cockfight between liberals and conservatives.  But I do pay attention to both liberal and conservative media. Paying attention serves as an early warning system of when they are hatching plans separately or jointly to steal...



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