
Qatar Offers to Host Russia and Ukraine for Talks

Qatar Offers to Host Russia and Ukraine for Talks

A Qatari official said Doha could potentially host diplomats from Russia and Ukraine for negotiations aimed at ending the war. Qatar recently played a crucial role in brokering the release of American prisoners in Iran.  In an interview with Newsweek, Qatari diplomat...

News Roundup 9/27/2023

News Roundup 9/27/2023

US News Senator Robert Menendez denied the allegations levied against him by the Department of Justice. Last week, a grand jury indicted the powerful Senator on bribery charges. Investigators found hundreds of thousands of dollars said to be payments to access the...

News Roundup 9/27/2023

News Roundup 9/21/2023

Russia The State Department has confirmed that American citizen Gonzalo Lira is being held in a Ukrainian prison over charges related to his speech and views on the war in Ukraine. AWC Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Wednesday that Poland is no longer...



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