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U.S. Navy is a Joke

Their obsolete-before-they're-even-made new aircraft carriers don't work worth a damn. Meanwhile the carrier reduced to slag in San Diego was meant to host the marines' F-35, whose vertical takeoff mode burns holes right through the decks of other carriers. Don't...

Yep, That’s How It Works Alright

Most Americans believe Russia targeted U.S. soldiers, want sanctions in response, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows "I don't believe anything the government tells me. Ever." --George Carlin "Nu-uh, you're dumb. Government is our leader." --Everybody else.

WSJ: NSA Says Russian Bounties Story is False

Journal: "The National Security Agency strongly dissented from other intelligence agencies’ assessment that Russia paid bounties for the killing of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, according to people familiar with the matter. "The disclosure of the dissent by the NSA,...


The U.S.A. has broken in two as The Coasts and Flyover Country go to war over which new nation is more slavishly devoted to serving the state of Greater Israel.

Say What Now Again?

Beast: Army Soldier Plotted ‘Jihadi Attack’ on His Own Unit With Neo-Nazi Satanists: Feds Oh. An informant. Makes sense now. Federal prosecutors in New York accused a U.S. soldier of giving sensitive information on U.S. troop movements to a satanic white-supremacist...



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