World War III

News Roundup 9/23/2024

News Roundup 9/23/2024

US News ‘Obvious Conflict of Interest’: Report Reveals 50+ US Lawmakers Hold Military Stocks AWC Alleged Would-Be Trump Assassin Said in Book That He Looks Forward to World War III AWC Ukraine CIA, MI6 Praise Ukraine’s Kursk Invasion for Bringing War to ‘Ordinary...

Fighting the ‘Middle State’

Fighting the ‘Middle State’

From around the middle of the twentieth century, federal agencies tasked with law enforcement, intelligence gathering, and various types of “defense” have accrued overwhelming power in the United States. Democrats, who now worship such agencies, may wail at the term...

Condoleezza Rice Won’t Learn

Condoleezza Rice Won’t Learn

Condoleezza Rice recently wrote an article entitled “The Perils of Isolationism” in Foreign Affairs giving her thoughts on the United States’ place in the modern world. As the title implies, the article’s main theme is her fear that the United States will abandon its...

The Vietnamization of Ukraine

The Vietnamization of Ukraine

As Ukraine’s defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. Over the weekend, former U.S. State Department official Victoria Nuland told ABC News that the U.S. must help facilitate Ukrainian missile attacks deep inside...



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