Fighting the ‘Middle State’

Fighting the ‘Middle State’

From around the middle of the twentieth century, federal agencies tasked with law enforcement, intelligence gathering, and various types of “defense” have accrued overwhelming power in the United States. Democrats, who now worship such agencies, may wail at the term “Deep State” and the idea that they are nefarious. But regardless, the FBI, CIA, and myriad other “three letter agencies” are immensely powerful and reside outside of the political process which the public participates in. Perhaps the John F. Kennedy assassination was a coup, perhaps it wasn’t. But there is little doubt that in...

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North vs. South: Korea’s Population Crisis

North vs. South: Korea’s Population Crisis

Birthrates have been falling throughout the developed world for years. While it’s true that the global population can’t and shouldn’t grow forever, and that a gradual decline could be desirable, the current OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) average birth rate of 1.6 presents serious, but manageable, challenges to maintaining economies and societies. In South Korea the situation is much more dire, and this number has dropped to an abysmal lifetime fertility rate of .72 children per woman, or just over a third of the replacement rate. Without drastic action, this...

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Josh Shapiro and Anti-Semitism: ‘Woke-servatives’ Cry Prejudice

Josh Shapiro and Anti-Semitism: ‘Woke-servatives’ Cry Prejudice

Kamala Harris has been criticized by many on the right as the “DEI candidate,” since in 2020 Joe Biden made it clear he would select a “woman of color” for the role of vice president in advance of announcing her as his running mate. This line of attack may be counterproductive, though during her time in the Senate her legislative record was defined by trying to increase the role of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” within society, so one way or another she is the “DEI candidate.” However, some of the same commentators taking this line, notably Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro, Blaze...

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America’s Syrian Gulag

America’s Syrian Gulag

At the beginning of last month the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Ethan Goldrich, granted an interview to Rudaw, which is something like PBS for Iraqi Kurdistan. He emphasized that the United States has no plan to end its occupation of northeast Syria, where the U.S. continues to maintain some nine hundred troops under the guise of preventing the resurgence of the Islamic State. The U.S. claims it is in Syria under the authorization of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 to bring an end to the “Syrian Crisis,” however much of the crisis has...

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America’s Palace Coup

America’s Palace Coup

On Sunday, July 21 at around 1:30pm Eastern time someone with access to President Joe Biden’s social media accounts posted that he was dropping out of the presidential election. The announcement was not on any form of official stationery and the signature was obviously different than usual when compared by the untrained eye. Just the night before, Joe Biden’s social media accounts had insisted he was staying in the game, though he was “in isolation” due to allegedly testing positive for COVID (something which people still inexplicably do). It didn’t take any great insight to see that...

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The Switzerland Summit: Peace Through Delusion

The Switzerland Summit: Peace Through Delusion

Ukraine has been at war for over ten years, and even the political establishment wipeout in the European elections has not managed to shock the Western ruling class back into coherence. Nothing could provide a clearer example of their clownish nature than the recent “Peace Conference” in Switzerland where Russia was not invited, China did not attend, and meaningful negotiation with Russia was taken off the table before it began. Ukraine’s now-illegitimate President Volodymyr Zelensky continues in his maximalist war aims of insisting that Ukraine return to its 1991 borders even though that no...

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The End of Zelensky’s Legitimacy

The End of Zelensky’s Legitimacy

Volodymyr Zelensky’s term as the president of Ukraine expired on Monday, May 20. He won’t be leaving office, on the pretense that Ukraine’s Constitution currently prohibits holding elections under a state of martial law. Based on this reasoning, the elections for the Rada, Ukraine’s Parliament, were also canceled in the fall. This seems to make Ukraine a less developed democracy than Haiti, where the legislators left office when their terms expired but no new election had been held. The Western media is rushing to defend Zelensky’s decision to use the law to stay in power without winning a...

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Inheriting Wealth is Good for You (And Society)

Inheriting Wealth is Good for You (And Society)

It seems as if hardly a week goes by that we don’t hear about some celebrity or industrialist saying that he doesn’t intend to leave his fortune to his children. There is a widespread belief in the Anglophone world that inheriting money will make children lazy and useless, and further that they don’t deserve the “unfair advantage” it would give them. Many claim to not believe in the premise of passing on wealth, the foundation of social stability since time immemorial. Part of what is going on is that the Baby Boomers, who grew up in a post-war economic boom, believe they earned everything...

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