Who Protects Kids from Predatory Police and Prosecutors?
by Will Grigg | Oct 20, 2016
Raising teenage girls in the age of Snapchat exhibitionism is a challenging proposition – and it’s not made any easier by ambitious prosecutors seeking to criminalize unwise acts that fall within parental jurisdiction. Last April 6, two parents from Knoxville, Iowa...
Mundane Lives Don’t Matter, So Don’t Try to Exercise Your Rights
by Will Grigg | Aug 5, 2016
In every encounter between a police officer and a citizen, only one life matters to the former – and it isn’t the latter. “Follow the commands of a police officer or risk dying,” snarled Major Travis Yates of the Tulsa Police Department in a recent essay for Law...
The Right to Resist and the Vindication of Julius Holmes
by Will Grigg | Jul 24, 2016
Julius Holmes was in his Macon, Georgia apartment cooking dinner when Officer Rogers arrived to arrest him. “I’ll be damned if you will,” Holmes hissed, making a furtive move toward a handgun he had placed on a nearby bed. Miraculously, Holmes wasn’t gunned down by...
Take the Fifth — And Face Life Imprisonment Without a Trial
by Will Grigg | May 27, 2016
Philadelphia resident Francis Rawls has been in solitary confinement for seven months, despite the fact that he has not been accused of a crime – let alone convicted of one. He may spend the rest of his life in that condition as punishment for invoking his...
The Last Full Measure of Misery: When Will Prohibition Finally End?
by Will Grigg | Apr 13, 2016
“Our safety and happiness lie in obedience to law by every man, woman and child,” pontificated Attorney General Harry Micajah Daugherty in his keynote address to the 1921 annual conference of the American Bar Association in Cincinnati. His homily on the supposed...
“Do You Know Who Killed My Baby?”
by Will Grigg
Friday, September 23, 2016 “Do You Know Who Killed My Baby?” “Do you know who killed my baby?” That anguished question was wrested from the anguished soul of Carol Dodge as she spoke with a young girl named Destiny Osborne shortly after Carol’s 18-year-old daughter Angie was murdered in Idaho Falls in June, 1996. With […]
War Crimes Advocate Seeks A Job in the Trump Administration
by Will Grigg
Sunday, November 20, 2016 War Crimes Advocate Seeks A Job in the Trump Administration The eyes of a fictional psychopath…. President-elect Donald Trump has thousands of executive branch positions to fill, including the spot in the Office of Legal Counsel once occupied by the detestable war criminal John C. Yoo. William C. Bradford, an obscure, […]
Why Would Anyone Want a President?
by Will Grigg
Monday, November 14, 2016 Why Would Anyone Want a President? No, he isn’t — unless you consent to be ruled. I don’t know why anyone would. “How small, of all that human hearts endure, that part which laws or kings can cause or cure.” When Samuel Johnson wrote those measured words of welcome consolation, kings […]
(Not) Keeping Up with the Cardassians: The Regime’s Failed Show Trial in Portland
by Will Grigg
Saturday, November 5, 2016 (Not) Keeping Up with the Cardassians: The Regime’s Failed Show Trial in Portland “A salutary experience”: Residents of Cardassia give audience to a show trial. Cardassia is a fictional planet in the Star Trek universe ruled by a totalitarian state with a court system quite similar to our own. Trials on […]
Free Kelsey Osborne!
by Will Grigg
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 Free Kelsey Osborne! Victims of the Prohibitionist Cartel: Kelsey with her abducted children. If 23-year-old Gooding, Idaho resident Kelsey Osborne is sent to prison for using medicinal cannabis to treat her daughter’s seizures, Governor Butch Otter should immediately grant her a pardon. If he fails to do so, he should be […]
Sheriff David Clarke: The Warlord of Milwaukee County
by Will Grigg
Thursday, October 20, 2016 Sheriff David Clarke: The Warlord of Milwaukee County Now that Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County faces a possible federal felony conviction that would dislodge him from office, the floor is open for nominations to replace him as the preening figurehead for the Punitive Populist constituency. Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Sheriff […]
Who Protects Kids from Predatory Police and Prosecutors?
by Will Grigg
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Who Protects Kids from Predatory Police and Prosecutors? Raising teenage girls in the age of Snapchat exhibitionism is a challenging proposition – and it’s not made any easier by ambitious prosecutors seeking to criminalize unwise acts that fall within parental jurisdiction. Last April 6, two parents from Knoxville, Iowa were summoned […]
“Let’s Convict Him and Get It Over With”: The Framing of Lanny Smith
by Will Grigg
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 “Let’s Convict Him and Get It Over With”: The Framing of Lanny Smith A picturesque landmark in a troubled county: The Idaho Falls LDS Temple James Swogger was a terrified 25-year-old awaiting trial on a charge of sexual misconduct with a child when he contacted Detective Victor Rodriguez of the Bonneville […]
Rather than Indulging the Reparations Racket, Why Not Abolish Enslavement to the State?
by Will Grigg
Wednesday, September 28, 2016 Rather than Indulging the Reparations Racket, Why Not Abolish Enslavement to the State? Forty-five years have elapsed since the passing of Sylvester McGee, the last black American citizen who had been claimed by another American as property. Eighty-one years have elapsed since the death of Cudjoe Lewis, the last black American […]
Make This Right, Jared: Help Free Chris Tapp
by Will Grigg
Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Make This Right, Jared: Help Free Chris Tapp Put former Idaho Falls Mayor Jared Fuhriman in a room filled with people, wrote the Idaho Falls Post Register’s editorial board in an encomium to the retired politician, “and warmth radiates from him. His decency is genuine, not the fabricated kind that can […]
The State as Accomplice: Did Idaho’s “Justice” System Shield a Serial Murderer?
by Will Grigg
Monday, August 29, 2016 The State as Accomplice: Did Idaho’s “Justice” System Shield a Serial Murderer? See an important update below. “Our investigation in the death of Angie Dodge is not over,” insists Idaho Falls Police Chief Mark McBride. “It will never be considered a closed case until after we have identified and brought all […]
The Stolen Life of Cathy Woods
by Will Grigg
Thursday, September 8, 2016 The Stolen Life of Cathy Woods Survivor: Cathy Woods, following her exoneration. Former police detective John Lawrence Kimpton had crested the biblical threescore-and-ten in 2011 when he passed away in the company of loved ones in a Reno hospital room. He should have died in the prison cell that by that […]
Sheriff Zollman — What Will You Tell Jack Yantis’s Widow?
by Will Grigg
Monday, August 22, 2016 Sheriff Zollman — What Will You Tell Jack Yantis’s Widow? No, they won’t forget: Adams County residents at the site where deputies gunned down Jack Yantis. Residents of Adams County, Idaho, should compel Sheriff Ryan Zollman – by nailing his feet to the floor, if necessary — to answer this question: […]
Beware, Adams County: A “Sociopath” Will Soon Return to Duty
by Will Grigg
Monday, August 1, 2016 Beware, Adams County: A “Sociopath” Will Soon Return to Duty “I’m a man of faith, and I believe nothing happens without a reason,” insisted Adams County Sheriff Ryan Zollman after Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden placed the state’s imprimatur on the murder of Council rancher Jack Yantis. To the family and […]
No Justice for Jack Yantis: The “Smoking Gun” is a Bloody Bullet
by Will Grigg
Saturday, August 13, 2016 No Justice for Jack Yantis: The “Smoking Gun” is a Bloody Bullet Jack Yantis with his now-widow, Donna. (See update below.) “Perhaps you can account also for the bullet which has so obviously hit the window?” “By George! How ever did you see that?” “Because I looked for it.” Sherlock Holmes […]
Mundane Lives Don’t Matter, So Don’t Try to Exercise Your Rights (UPDATED October 4)
by Will Grigg
Friday, August 5, 2016 Mundane Lives Don’t Matter, So Don’t Try to Exercise Your Rights (UPDATED October 4) See update below. In every encounter between a police officer and a citizen, only one life matters to the former – and it isn’t the latter. “Follow the commands of a police officer or risk dying,” snarled […]
The Right to Resist and the Vindication of Julius Holmes
by Will Grigg
Sunday, July 24, 2016 The Right to Resist and the Vindication of Julius Holmes Julius Holmes was in his Macon, Georgia apartment cooking dinner when Officer Rogers arrived to arrest him. “I’ll be damned if you will,” Holmes hissed, making a furtive move toward a handgun he had placed on a nearby bed. Miraculously, Holmes […]
We Have a “Duty” to Submit; They Have No Duty to Protect
by Will Grigg
Tuesday, July 19, 2016 We Have a “Duty” to Submit; They Have No Duty to Protect “Somebody is going to die tonight,” a visibly agitated Anthony Lord told a close friend on July 16, 2015. Lord, a resident of Benedicta, Maine, was a registered sex offender who displayed symptoms of violent derangement. His anger had […]
Seek Ye First the Protection of Property Rights….
by Will Grigg
Sunday, July 10, 2016 Seek Ye First the Protection of Property Rights…. When Screwtape, depicted by C.S. Lewis as a mid-level administrator in hell’s Lowerarchy, gloated that “Prosperity knits a man to this world,” he might well have been thinking of tax-exempt religious corporations. The “Utah Compromise” on religious liberty, which was enacted with the […]
Too Big to Jail: Amanda Marshall, Hillary’s Oregon Avatar
by Will Grigg
Wednesday, July 6, 2016 Too Big to Jail: Amanda Marshall, Hillary’s Oregon Avatar “I love the law,” lied Amanda Marshall, who actually just loved putting people in cages. As we were recently reminded, lying to federal investigators is a monumentally serious criminal offense, except when it isn’t. While the language of the relevant statute is […]