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Congratulations! You May Already Be A Terrorist

Congratulations! You May Already Be A Terrorist No “Zeks” please — we’re Americans: Inmates of Soviet Russia’s gulag. Seeking to catechize the public regarding the all-encompassing threat of terrorism, the State of Alabama’s Homeland Security Department created a “Terrorism Awareness and Prevention” curriculum. Those Alabama residents interested in carrying out their supposed civic duty to […]

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When Trouble Comes Knocking

When Trouble Comes Knocking You’re lounging around your suburban home in pajamas on a Friday afternoon, enjoying a break from your truck driving job, when your wife informs you that a policeman is at the door. Puzzled and a bit annoyed, you greet the officer, who informs you that he spotted an expired license plate […]

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Uncomfortably Numb

Uncomfortably Numb Stories like the following make me wonder why we don’t simply defer to the prevailing reality, change the name of our country to the United Soviet States of Amerika, and be done with it. Raymond Soeoth is a 38-year-old Chinese Christian pastor from Indonesia, the world’s largest Islamic state (in geographic terms). In […]

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Stolen Sons (UPDATED)

Stolen Sons (UPDATED) He was his father’s “glass” (see photo below): 1 Lt. Andrew J. Bacevich Jr. May he rest in God’s peace. “In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.” Herodotus Professor Andrew Bacevich of Boston University is a West Point graduate who served in Vietnam. He is a scholar […]

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Down With the Draft! or How Ron Paul Could Win

Down With the Draft! or How Ron Paul Could Win John Edwards may have performed an unintended service for the Ron Paul presidential campaign. First, he has decided to position himself as an anti-war candidate, a move that attests to the political potency of that issue. Second, Edwards has endorsed the proposal to re-institute slavery […]

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The Perils of Parens Patriae, or When the State Becomes Daddy

The Perils of Parens Patriae, or When the State Becomes Daddy “Children belong to the general family, to the state, before belonging to private families.” French Revolutionary leader Bertrand Barere, whose memory was later invoked by French parents to scare disobedient children (I’m serious) “In our dreams, we have limitless resources, and the people yield […]

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Dog and Man in Washington

Dog and Man in Washington Ken Rogers of Washougal, Washington was enjoying a visit with family in Kennewick and looking forward to some fishing when his slumber was rudely disturbed on the night of July 13, 2003. Rogers, a 54-year-old regional sales manager for Georgia-Pacific, was sleeping under the stars when a large dog suddenly […]

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Another Victim of the Homeland Security State

Another Victim of the Homeland Security State Sgt. James Emerick “Jaime” Dean, US Army, (ret.), on his wedding day last August. May he rest in God’s peace.The bullet that ended the life of 29-year-old Army Ranger James Emerick “Jaime” Dean last December 26 was fired by a Maryland State Police sniper named Sergeant Danny Weaver. […]

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When The State Owns Your Name

When The State Owns Your Name Senseless, lawless violence — government reduced to its essence: BLM employee C.J. Ross commits a felonious assault on Nevada property rights activist Ken Greenwell, in Palomino Valley, Nevada, November 13, 2001. Greenwell had staged a peaceful protest of the BLM’s theft of cattle belonging to rancher Ben Colvin. Ross, […]

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A Totalitarian Tableau

A Totalitarian Tableau The frail, middle-aged man splayed awkwardly on the ground in the middle of this photograph is Tufts historian Felipe Fernandez-Armesto. On Friday, while attending the annual conference of the American Historical Association, the former Oxford don was arrested and assaulted by several police officers after committing the grievous offense of jaywalking. “I […]

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An Allergy to Freedom (UPDATE, June 1)

An Allergy to Freedom (UPDATE, June 1) The view from Sunriver, a beautiful Oregon community where, at present, the police can only deal with actual threats to life and property. Kind-hearted folks in the State Legislature are working at this very minute to change that. “You need to buckle up your kids!” a shrill, insistent […]

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Watching The Detectives … Can Land You In Jail

Watching The Detectives … Can Land You In Jail Once may be an anomaly, twice a coincidence, but three or more instances constitute a pattern. Bear that axiom in mind as we review some cases in which citizens have been charged with illegal “wiretapping” — a felony – for the supposed offense of recording their […]

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The Regime’s Liturgy of Terror

The Regime’s Liturgy of Terror The process is as predictable as a Jay Leno punchline — or, put another way, as familiar as a liturgy: The Feds will announce that they have aborted a terrorist plot, one that, if allowed to come to term, would have been more devastating that 9-11; the claim is retailed […]

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“Because We Want To”

“Because We Want To” “Sir, what did I do to deserve handcuffs?” “It’s law enforcement’s view you used foul language, and because we want to. I told you to give me your boarding pass.” “I tried to give you my boarding pass, sir.” “You tried to be a jerk.” A few seconds after that exchange, […]

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“Punking” The Fourth Amendment

“Punking” The Fourth Amendment … or maybe not. I’m betting on “not.”“Criminal means, once tolerated, are soon preferred.” Edmund Burke, from Reflections on the Revolution in France Ascencion Alvarez-Tejada probably swore in frustration as he pulled up behind a disabled car at the intersection of Highway 97 and Veteran’s Way near La Pine, Oregon. And […]

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Incremental Civilian Disarmament: Strip-Tease of the Liberties

Incremental Civilian Disarmament: Strip-Tease of the Liberties A gun in the wrong hands: Chuck Schumer, seen here compensating for some hidden shortcoming (but not for all of his obvious ones).“When the NRA and I agree on legislation,” oozed the incarnate glob of viscous evil known as Senator Chuck Schumer, “you know that it’s going to […]

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The Real Drug War Kingpins

The Real Drug War Kingpins Not a scene from a movie, or from the streets of Baghdad: “Police” — that is, Pentagon-equipped and federally-funded occupation troops — conduct a raid in Detroit. Mike Nifong’s career as the Torquemada of Raleigh, North Carolina is over, although the self-enraptured prosecutor couldn’t resist one final lachrymose moment in […]

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Flesh For War Fantasies

Flesh For War Fantasies One significant problem with being an Empire: Everything is supposedly “our” business. To my considerable shame, I just realized that it had been a long time since I had thought of Angola. In fact, it occurs to me that I really don’t have a feeling toward that country one way or […]

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Will Grigg

Will Grigg (1963–2017), the former Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, was an independent, award-winning investigative journalist and author. He authored six books, most recently his posthumous work, No Quarter: The Ravings of William Norman Grigg.

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