Triangulating a Definition of Libertarianism

Triangulating a Definition of Libertarianism

There was a time when the word “liberal” meant something closer to what we currently mean when we say “libertarian.” This should not be surprising, since the root word of both is “liberty.” Unfortunately, the definition of “liberal” has drifted—and various liberal ideals have drifted along with it. Take rights, for example. Liberals from John Locke to Thomas Jefferson have always been known for their advocacy for people’s rights. In their time, the word “rights” referred to things that it is wrong to forcibly prevent someone from doing. Nowadays, the word often refers instead to anything the...

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Actually, Socialism IS When the Government Does Stuff

Actually, Socialism IS When the Government Does Stuff

Of course, that is too honest to be a real Karl Marx quote. It is a popular meme that is used to mock the allegedly misguided view of many who oppose socialism. It has been famously paraphrased by prominent socialist, Richard Wolff. “Socialism is when the government does stuff; and it's more socialism the more stuff it does; and if it does a real lot of stuff, it's communism.” These comments were made sarcastically, as socialists do not believe that “government doing stuff” accurately sums up their ideology. I intend to argue that it does. Let me be clear: I am not proposing an alternate...

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10 Reasons that Freedom is Good

10 Reasons that Freedom is Good

Advocates of freedom are often called upon to explain why people should be given specific freedoms. Why should people be free to work for less than $7 an hour? Why should people be free to leave their homes during a pandemic? Why should people be free to take drugs? These questions are asked as though until we can prove that an action would provide a net societal benefit, we should not be allowed to take that action. This is exactly backwards. Any restriction upon freedom should require an overwhelming case that it would prevent enormous harm before we consider adopting it. In order to...

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