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25 Premises That Guide Your Politics

25 Premises That Guide Your Politics

A premise is a fundamental proposition that one accepts to be true. It is used as a starting point for reasoning or taking actions. If they are wrong, so is the reasoning or actions that follow. Our premises not only determine our politics, they are basic to our general understandings about the world around us.Objectivist philosopher Ayn Rand contended that philosophy is much like math or science in that there can be no contradictions. Whenever a contradiction appears to exist, one need only to check their premises. They will find one of them to be wrong.Below are twenty-five sets of these...

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Truth Will Solve Our Problems, Not Censorship

Truth Will Solve Our Problems, Not Censorship

Ideas matter. Freedom matters. Communication matters. Tolerance matters. Scrutiny matters. History matters. Truth matters. Those are the values promoted by free speech, free assembly, and free expression; the ones that made America a haven for intellectual freedom. Those who argue for censorship—whether it be to protect institutional authority, quell resistance to tyrannical policies, or simply to avoid triggering the politically unhinged—do so because they fear the compelling nature of the adversarial point of view. Bad ideas can be discredited with good information and sound logic....

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Capitalism is Being Strangled

Capitalism is Being Strangled

It was out of a revulsion for tyranny and a hunger for liberty that Americans were inspired to revolution. We don’t like being told what to do. We went to war to secure the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.In our founding document, liberty was acknowledged to be inalienable and preexisting, not established by the state. As such, our rights cannot be revoked, only ignored or deprived.The phrase “pursuit of happiness” refers to the ability of individuals to operate their lives free of government interference so long as the rights of others were not infringed. Government’s...

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Why Government Grows Itself

Why Government Grows Itself

It is understandable if folks are baffled and dismayed by the news that confronts us each day. The Babylon Bee can barely keep a step ahead of the nitwittery we see playing out in real time. For example, California politicians decided to take money from taxpayers in order to buy medical insurance for illegal aliens. The federal government tossed bundles of COVID relief cash every whichaway, with over a billion dollars of it raining down on incarcerated convicts, including Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. And we witnessed government spend billions to fight the prospect of climate...

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What If…?

What If…?

What if we were free? What if government sought to serve the people, not control them? What if we own ourselves? What if property rights spring from that premise? What if each of us determine what makes life worthwhile? What if we need liberty to pursue happiness? What if liberty requires responsibility? What if liberty needs government protection? What if safety was our expectation? What if crime was not tolerated? What if criminals had to fear potential victims? What if the right to bear arms meant concealed carry? What if violent criminals were removed from society? What if a life...

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