Is Our Own Government Trying to Eliminate Appalachia?

Is Our Own Government Trying to Eliminate Appalachia?

On Thursday, September 26 at 11:10 p.m., category 4 Hurricane Helene made landfall at Keaton Beach, Florida, unleashing deadly flooding throughout Florida’s Gulf Coast, Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky. People are trapped in remote areas with no electricity, no food, no water, no medicine, and no functioning communication technology. Yet the federal government’s response has been worse than its infamously appalling performance during the 2004 Katrina disaster and so diabolically bizarre that we must ask: is the government intentionally attempting to murder thousands...

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The War Party Circled Around Its Mythology

The War Party Circled Around Its Mythology

Since Tucker Carlson’s interview with friend of the Libertarian Institute Darryl Cooper, the War Party apparatchiks have been losing their minds. The spectacle of War Party consolers lashing out at Cooper highlights the intellectual depravity of regime-sanctioned essential thinkers and the diabolical core commitments of the state. The consolers will say and do anything to convince you of the legitimacy, the urgency, and the righteousness of sending your children to war. And the mythologies that Cooper dares interrogate are foundational to the structures of the existing world order that is...

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Economic Nationalism and Corporatism Go Hand in Hand

Economic Nationalism and Corporatism Go Hand in Hand

Former President Donald Trump could return to power in 2025. We can expect a second Trump administration to give us more of the same: economic nationalism. This is concerning because economic nationalism degrades our economy, impoverishes our citizens, and promotes war. The United States Imperial Government (USIG) has the best propaganda in the world. That propaganda revolves around an imperial passion play in which the state is God, the corporation is Satan, and capitalism is the eternal scapegoat. President Joe Biden deployed this narrative brilliantly during his 2024 State of the Union...

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Honest Voices In The Intellectual Ecosystem Libertarian Institute Director Scott Horton recently interviewed former USMC Captain / former State Department official Matthew Hoh. Famously, Hoh resigned from a State Department post in Afghanistan in 2009 and valiantly attempted to convince President Barack Obama’s administration to not go forward with a planned military surge in Afghanistan. He tried to convince them to get the hell out of there instead. That’s 12 years before we finally got the hell out...

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High on State Power: The Tragic Death of Matthew Perry and the Evil of the War on Drugs On Oct. 28, 2023, beloved actor Matthew Perry was found dead in the hot tub at his Los Angeles home. Cause of death was ruled “acute effects of ketamine” and subsequent drowning. It was a tragic end, made more poignant by the fact that Perry had survived addictions to alcohol and opioids. He had written a book about it, and he was inspiring others to get help. Last week, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that five people had been charged in connection with...

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A State Made Hell

A State Made Hell

The limited television series thriller (and Zionist propaganda) The Patient evokes the hell that was the Nazi killing center Auschwitz with a direct reference to Victor Frankl’s memoir, Man’s Search for Meaning: “I shall never forget how I was roused one night by the groans of a fellow prisoner, who threw himself about in his sleep, obviously having a horrible nightmare. Since I had always been especially sorry for people who suffered from fearful dreams or deliria, I wanted to wake the poor man. Suddenly I drew back the hand which was ready to shake him, frightened at the thing I was about...

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Company Men: Former Spies Spill The Tea Danny Jones recently hosted former CIA officers John Kiriakou and Andrew Bustamente for a wide-ranging discussion that touched on torture, 9/11 & terrorism, domestic politics, foreign policy and what it’s like to work within the world’s premiere intelligence agency. It’s worth a listen. And don’t be intimidated by its 3-hour running time. There are plenty of laughs and it’s a great way to avoid listening to your spouse while you cook dinner or walk the dog. Here are some fun takeaways: 1: Kiriakou and Bustamente are both charming,...

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Israel’s Imperial Techno-Optimism

Israel’s Imperial Techno-Optimism

On Saturday, a rocket struck a soccer field in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. At least twelve people were killed, mostly teenagers and children. Israel blamed the Lebanese paramilitary group Hezbollah for the attack. Hezbollah denied the charge and claimed Israel’s vaunted Iron Dome technology malfunctioned and hit the soccer field. On Tuesday, Israel hit the southern suburbs of Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, with an air strike. The bombing killed civilians and possibly a Hezbollah commander. However, the Golan Heights bombing, which Israel might frame as the “inciting incident” for an...

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