When Billionaires Want to Get Rid of Capitalism

When Billionaires Want to Get Rid of Capitalism

"Successful economies are not jungles, they’re gardens, which is to say that markets, like gardens, must be tended, that the market is the greatest social technology ever invented to solving human problems, but unconstrained by social or democratic regulation, markets inevitably create more problems than they solve.” These are the words of Nick Hanauer, a self-described capitalist. And a billionaire. He was an early investor in Amazon.com and founded Aquantive Inc., which was purchased by Microsoft for $6.4 billion. More recently, he has been receiving a lot of attention as a “thinker.”...

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Why Workers Don’t Need to be Protected from Automation

Why Workers Don’t Need to be Protected from Automation

As this article shows, technology creates more jobs than it destroys – despite the claims to the contrary, innovation is a job creator, not a job demolisher”. But this issue keeps receiving attention. For example, Bill de Blasio’s “robot tax” idea and Andrew Yang’s insistence that “robot compensation” is necessary. Both proposals are misleading and harmful. Innovation is the real engine for economic growth, employment and social development.  According to a report by the Brookings Institution titled “Automation and Artificial Intelligence: How Machines Affect People and Places”, automation...

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Amazon is Burning?! It’s About Time We Called Capitalism For Help.

Amazon is Burning?! It’s About Time We Called Capitalism For Help.

The Amazon is burning. This headline has crossed the world and received widespread media coverage. People everywhere have adhered to the broad claim and voiced their concerns about the planet’s future over social media. The most frantic ones marched in demonstrations carrying banners that blame agribusiness and capitalism for the catastrophe. They demanded urgent government action. The truth is: hysteria will not help us, capitalism will. Capitalism is NOT to be blamed… it is the KEY We still do not know how the fires started – farmers, NGOs, the dry climate, deforestation are some of the...

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Welfare State: Good Rhetoric, But Bad Outcomes

Welfare State: Good Rhetoric, But Bad Outcomes

In poor countries, welfare state represents a system where businessmen and statesmen work side by side (to plunder money from the people) The idea of an economic model able to set an improbable combination of economic liberalism with central planning (a middle way between capitalism and socialism), aimed for the best of both worlds to promote social justice, has been fascinated politicians, scholars, artists, the people (voters) around the world. Surfing this wave, welfare state has spread fast and furiously. Some even say that Nordic countries are the final evidence that it is possible to...

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Is The EU A Federal State?

Is The EU A Federal State?

In 1776 the Kingdom of Great Britain saw the Thirteen Colonies in America announce their Independence. At stake was the question of sovereignty. In 2016 the United Kingdom declared its independence from the EU. At stake is the question of sovereignty. Ironies of history… When Brexit came up, a lot of people around the world were clearly surprised. Why would the United Kingdom want to leave the European Union? The slogan “take back control” got on the scene to supporting the leaving. But what control? It might sound strange for many (the world still does not know when Brexit will take place),...

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