Conflicts of Interest

COI #111: Bitcoin Is the Currency of Freedom

Phil Gibson, the host of A Boy Named Pseu, joins Kyle Anzalone to discuss the basics of Bitcoin, breaking down the currency’s fundamentals and the best ways to buy and store it. Phil takes on some anti-Bitcoin arguments and explains why it is the only crypto you need...

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COI #105 – Executing the Wrong People

On COI#105, Kyle discusses the US government executing the wrong people, either overseas or in the US. Ledell Lee was executed by Arkansas in 2017. A new report shows another person's DNA on the murder weapon and other evidence. The report showed Lee was unlikely the...

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COI #103 – An Overextended Empire

On COI #103, Kyle discusses America's overextended empire. The Coast Guard just deployed the USCGS Hamilton to the Black Sea. A US Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian ships in the Persian Gulf. China reports US operations in its territorial waters have increased...

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US Gaza Pier Could Be Operational By Weekend

Unnamed officials said the floating pier and causeway that Washington hopes to use to bring aid into Gaza could be completed by Friday with aid deliveries beginning Saturday. The development comes as the cost of the pier has nearly doubled, and Defense Secretary...


Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

News Roundup

News Roundup 3/22/2022

Russia Four Marines died during NATO drills in Norway. [Link] Russia tells the US that Moscow-Washington relations are on the verge of breaking. [Link] Rep. Liz Cheney says chemical weapons should be a redline for NATO intervention in Ukraine. [Link] The US Ambassador...

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News Roundup 3/18/2022

US News The spending bill includes a provision that prevents spies from working for foreign governments. [Link] Russia Secretary of State Antony Blinken says a US citizen was killed in Ukraine. [Link] Biden withdrew CIA paramilitaries from Ukraine last month. [Link]...

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