From Russia to Ohio…to the Cancer Ward

From Russia to Ohio…to the Cancer Ward

Residents of Piketon, Ohio have long suspected that the area’s sky-high cancer rate stems from the nearby Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS), which served as a uranium enrichment facility for nuclear bombs throughout the Cold War. Recent reporting from Local 12 WKRC-TV anchor Duane Pohlman sheds light on why the area’s cancer epidemic—more than 500 cases per 100,000, or about 10 percent above state average, according to the Ohio Cancer Atlas—has persisted decades after PORTS stopped helping Uncle Sam build nukes. Pohlman revealed in May that the PORTS may have been the recipient of...

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The Persecution of John Johnson, Leader of America’s Largest Black Militia

The Persecution of John Johnson, Leader of America’s Largest Black Militia

John Johnson, leader of America’s largest black militia, currently sits in a Kentucky prison—a victim of grievous injustice perpetrated by the FBI. Readers might recall Johnson, aka Grandmaster Jay, as the leader of the “Not Fucking Around Coalition” (NFAC), an all-black militia that captured headlines in the summer of 2020. NFAC members showed up at protests sporting military gear and rifles that summer, claiming credit for pressuring the government for justice in cases such as the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Apparently, the FBI was frightened by an armed black nationalist militia that doesn’t...

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No Warrant, No Problem; How Government Buys Its Way Around the 4th Amendment

No Warrant, No Problem; How Government Buys Its Way Around the 4th Amendment

When the Supreme Court ruled in 2018 that law enforcement agencies need warrants before they can request geolocation data from cell phone companies, civil liberties advocates touted the judgment as a major win for privacy. But since then, government agencies have devised a new surveillance method: instead of getting warrants to force companies to provide data, they simply purchase the information from brokers. Call it entrepreneurial innovation in the market for tyranny. The scope of this activity has been slowly revealed over the last year, beginning with a February 2020 Wall Street Journal...

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How the Military is Using Your Data to Fight China

How the Military is Using Your Data to Fight China

A new generation of Cold Warriors want your data to build artificial intelligence-powered weapons for their escalating conflict with China. This has been made explicit by the U.S. National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), a relatively new and secretive government body tasked with boosting the military’s AI capabilities. The NSCAI is a who’s who of the military-tech complex, with figures such as former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, former deputy defense secretary Robert Work, Oracle CEO Safra Catz, and Chris Darby, who heads the CIA investment arm In-Q-Tel. According to...

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Big Tech Firmly Embedded in the War State, DoD Report Shows

Big Tech Firmly Embedded in the War State, DoD Report Shows

The Department of Defense inspector general has released a damning report on the DoD’s massive “JEDI” cloud computing project, exposing a revolving door between Amazon and the Pentagon. The DoD’s September 2017 announcement of JEDI (a catchy acronym for Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure) sparked a frenzy in the US tech sector, with the country’s largest companies vying for the access, power, and prestige that would accompany the $10 billion prize. Government awarded Microsoft the contract last October, but Amazon is disputing the decision in court, and allegations of corruption...

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The $2 Trillion Stimulus Package Is Funding Your Own Surveillance

The $2 Trillion Stimulus Package Is Funding Your Own Surveillance

From corporate bailouts to endowments for art, the $2 trillion stimulus package signed into law last Friday has been roundly criticized as a smash-and-grab robbery perpetrated by the country’s elite. And rightly so. However, there is another provision in the 1,000-plus page legislation that should concern Americans just as much as any of its negative fiscal or economic implications: funding for what seems to be a massive surveillance program. Tucked away in a section labeled “emergency appropriations for coronavirus health response and agency operations” is a $500 million allocation to the...

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The NSA’s Encroaching Oversight

The NSA’s Encroaching Oversight

The NSA’s spy program failed miserably, but some spooks want to expand it The US National Security Agency spent $100 million over three years on illegally collecting millions of American phone records – all for two reports with unique counterterrorism intelligence, according to a declassified report from an NSA oversight body. So naturally, intelligence officials and lawmakers want the NSA’s records collection program reauthorized, and some even want it expanded to include more modern forms of communications such as encrypted chat apps. The NSA’s failed spying scheme is detailed in a report...

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Ken Silva

Ken Silva has been a reporter for more than 10 years, working in places such as the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, and the United States. His favorite writers include Annie Jacobsen and Wendy Painting, and he thinks Robert Nozick's "Anarchy, State, and Utopia" is highly underrated among libertarians today.


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