CONFIRMED: Legalization Turns Mary Jane Into a Square Drug Kids Don’t Want to Try

The results are in and they're just what you would expect. After eight US states decriminalized marijuana, and another twenty allowed it to be smoked as medicine, its use by adolescents has fallen to an all-time low. Nobody should be surprised by this. Without being illegal cannabis is about as cool as Ed Sheeran, except it's even more boring. The chance it might get you chased by cops is literally the only fun thing about weed. Legalize it, and take that bit of excitement away and there is literally no excuse for anyone who is not Jamaican or in a jazz band to be seen within ten feet of...

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US Propaganda Poster Depicts the Taliban as “Muslim Dogs”

The Washington Post is reporting that US military has withdrawn a propaganda leaflet they printed and distributed and are apologizing for its contents: A senior U.S. commander in Afghanistan apologized Wednesday for propaganda leaflets that superimposed a key Islamic text on the image of a dog. The leaflets distributed by U.S. forces in Parwan province, north of Kabul, on Tuesday depicted a lion, representing the U.S.-led coalition, chasing a dog with a section of the Taliban’s banner, containing a passage from the Koran in Arabic, superimposed on its side. WaPo then goes on to bleathe about...

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US Military: Exchanging Fire With Syrian Rebels, Propping up Hezbollah Allies

US Military: Exchanging Fire With Syrian Rebels, Propping up Hezbollah Allies

Days ago US soldiers in Syria were been fired upon, and fired back against, Syria's Islamist rebels: "US troops in northern Syria came under direct attack last week by Turkish-backed rebels, a military official with the coalition fighting ISIS told CNN Tuesday. The official said that while US troops returned firethere were no casualties on either side. The coalition believes the attackers are part of the Turkish-backed opposition forces, a loose grouping of Arab and Turkmen fighters that have helped the Turkish military clear ISIS from the Turkish-Syria border area. The recent clash comes...

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Killing of 17-Year-Old Galvanizes Opposition to Duterte’s Drug War

Killing of 17-Year-Old Galvanizes Opposition to Duterte’s Drug War

When the Philippine drug was brought back this March it wasn't supposed to be like this. Supposedly the police hoped the second stage of the resurrected drug war would be all but bloodless. After all Duterte had already fulfilled his promise of a lethal drug war. The campaign that lasted from his inauguration in mid 2016 through January 2017 had produced some 2,500 bodies (the oft-cited 7,000 figure is an exaggeration), overwhelmingly shot by police while "resisting arrest". There was no urgent political need for more bodies. It was not to be. Instead the new campaign gradually broke new...

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Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Americans today have “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, injected, harassed, surveilled, vilified, disarmed, beaten, detained, and maybe shot by federal agents. From hapless homeowners hit by SWAT raids to pandemic lockdowns pointlessly paralyzing lives, government...

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