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The Family Will Never Get Over It – Anti-War Blog

The Family Will Never Get Over It – Anti-War Blog

The Middle East Eye reports of desperate screams as Muhammad Bhar, a 24-year old Palestinian man with down syndrome was attacked by Israelil military dogs. The IDF soldiers watched on as the animals mauled the helpless Muhammad. He was then left to die from his wounds. Those close to Muhammad said that he was mentally “one years of age.” To those who set their dogs onto him, he was just a Palestinian.

Muhammad another victim of the Israel government as it executes its 21st century settler colonialism. Dogs mauling the innocent as their handlers watch on is not new, in fact it’s ancient. It occurred to the Aboriginal Australians and Native Americans as their conquerors “civilised” the land by spilling native blood. We bear witness through our screens the modern incarnation of such conquest

“They Will Get Over It. The Japanese Did.” – Corey Comperartore from his X account in regards to the Palestinians of Gaza.

The bystander who was murdered during the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has been named. The fifty-year old retired fire chief died while shielding his young daughter and wife during the shooting. A church goer and family man who loved and gave to is community with courage as a firefighter. Corey Comperatore is the man who was killed. It is likely that Corey would have rescued Muhammad from mauling dogs, he would have carried him from a blazing fire never once concerned where the young man had been born. In such moments, to a man of action, the fact that Muhammad was a Palestinian would not matter.

Politics, especially from a distance is putrid thing. It relegates individual humans into camps and demographics. A father and husband, fire fighter killed is celebrated with “good riddance” by those who despise Trump and MAGA politics. Corey did died at the Trump rally, therefore through the prism of partisan politics is an enemy to some. While a young man like Muhammad is dismissed as a human being, his horrible death shrugged away, his family told that, “they will get over it.”

Collectivism is frightening. It turns entire groups into an enemy, so pariah that dogs mauling a young man with down syndrome is tolerated. Dismissed as the reality of war or the consequences of policy. On a human level, few ask what ones religion or political ideology is when they shake hands as strangers or buy goods in a market. It’s when coercive funding and war mentality arises, especially when separated through screens that an insane sociopathic normality arises. Where men of good actions, heroic conduct and who love and have saved lives could look at images on a screen and dismiss thousands of mostly children so callously. Including Muhammad who would die to dog attack. “They Will Get Over it…”

Or for those so caught up in partisan politics that they would celebrate, “One Less Trumper,” over the corpse of a dead father. Nietzsche argued that one should be wary of those who would try and shame others. Then perhaps be wary of my words, because if shame does not reach ones heart and conscience then there is a delusion that is so perverse it seems to be normal. Accepted. History shall go on, a bullet takes a man’s life and dogs kill a younger one, for what? Policy, manifest destiny, democracy, politics, ideology, religion? All of it, or none of it.

Life is complicated. A man can have an active politic presence on social media, expressing views that come across as simplistic and terrible. A troll if you will. Though in the real world, where flesh and blood are not pixelated, he was a good man. For Muhammad, what did he do to deserve his death? What abhorrent exceptionalism sees him as an enemy? I can only ask questions, those who worship government and the religions of imperial violence, demand others yield to their politics or ideologies through threat of violence or by bullet or from the mouth of war dogs. I don’t expect an answer. Two lay dead, thousands more to follow. Rest in peace.

July, 2024

Assassin Murders Bystander

Assassin Murders Bystander


Twenty Year old Thomas Mathew Crooks murdered a bystander and injured others in an attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. Trump suffered, a bullet injuring his ear. The killer was shot dead by a secret service counter sniper. The crowd cheered, “USA, USA!” once Trump raised his fists in defiance, proof of life. A relief for his supporters. Those shot and close to the dead and wounded struggled with life and death in desperate and confused moments. Though history will now relegate them as props to an event of significance, as human beings they lived a life. In politics they matter nought, just faces in the crowd wearing slogans on their shirts.

At this time just another ‘lone gun man’, American political assassinations are enshrined in such a killer tradition. If only, the killer of Arch Duke Frans Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian empire was deemed as such, then the stupidity that led to World War One may not occurred, instead contained between killer and slain. The US is different. At crucial historical moments a deranged man can swipe away the politically important. The bystanders hit, need not matter.

Before presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy died, after being shot by an assassin, he asked, “Is every body OK?” The 18-year old hotel busboy Juan Romero who held his hand as he lay bleeding on the floor, nodded, “Yes.” To which RFK replied, “Everything will be OK.” Kennedy died moments later. His murderer Sirhan Sirhan would go on to be immortalised alongside John Wilkes Boothe and Lee Harvey Oswald. If Thomas Mathew Crooks had of been slightly more accurate and Trump had not of turned to face the direction of the shooter, then his name would have become as historically significant. The bystanders he shot as forgotten.

In an attempt to prevent the former president of reclaiming his mantle in the oval office, the would be assassin has ensured his victory. Biden is out of ice cream cones and children to sniff, the senile in chief has been abandoned by the media and party diehards who had pretended that he was of sound mind and body. Robert F Kennedy, Jr now may be the candidate to face the former president. He could wear his Democrat feathers again, with a fringe following online and has his father and dead uncles last name. He is like Trump, royalty from the long 20th century, sacred to Pax Americana. What’s her face, Kamala Harris doesn’t even have supporters in her own household and despite the media suddenly reminding the world that she exists, her likeliness of contesting the former president is as enthralling as running Walter Mondale again.

Rest in peace the forgotten fallen of history, those who see themselves as your betters will stand upon the corpse you lived in so that they may ascend. Politics is that ugly place where those who seek to rule use the violent monopoly, they may even sometimes come to a violent end themselves. Politics is that ugly thing where those who politically oppose mutter, “pity they missed.” All the while pretending to be a peaceful person or that the religion of government is anything other than violent absurdity. Politics is the craziness that motivates not just the lone gun men of history but the marching hordes of genocide to do bloody deeds. Politics validates both.

Rejoice those who believe in popular messiahs, The Donald lives. If an assassin’s bullets hissed past his head to which his fists raise in response imagine how pointless the many “rhee!”of screams are should he find re-election again. Rest assured, Trump or Biden, same government. But with the magic wand of executive powers Orange man 2.0 shall dust off the 4d chess board and attempt to drain the swamp, again and make the place great again for the usual types. It’s not that Trump is that great a candidate, be honest, Biden, Hilary. “Vote Blue No Matter Who!” has led to a very embarrassing period for the devoted believers in government and party politics. But we have the Butterbean era of politics, smoker fights for the low attention spans. Simple slogans to seduce and placate, complex issues be damned, raise the debt ceiling and bomb Tehran or Moscow or a tent in the Yemen. All presidential things.

USA! USA!” Cheers the crowd. And unlike other political candidates, real human beings like this one. Those outside of the status quo sectors that is. Donald Trump survived, he walks on now vindicated. He is a living martyr having bled for the cause, to his supporters and those on the fence, it means Vote One for him. RFK, Jr even with namesake and the podcast generation and all their memes doesn’t stand a chance. If anyone really wanted an alternative to the status quo, Jill Stein and Chase Oliver exist. But Red and Blue is choice enough.

Rest in Peace, the at present unknown bystander who was murdered. A real person lays dead.

July, 2024

Kyle Anzalone on Judge Nap: The Hannibal Directive

Check out Kyle’s latest appearance on Judge Napolitano’s show, ‘Judging Freedom,’ where they discuss recent reporting by Haaretz suggesting Israel’s military repeatedly invoked the infamous ‘Hannibal Directive’ during Hamas’ October 7 attack.

The Hannibal policy calls on IDF troops to kill their own people in order to prevent capture.

US Government Teachers: The Overseas Army of Marxian Educators

dodea school and student locations, 2021 (51855420285)

When I was active duty and deployed overseas, we thankfully home educated our children because the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is just as rancid and immoral as the government schools in CONUS.

They lied, the DoDEA did not cancel their IED propaganda in the DoD schools. They shifted the funding to a less visible place.

As you can imagine, it may be even worse than the NEA/AFT Marxist madrassas that soil the landscape of America in government schooling.

The DoDEA refuses to disclose the individual salaries of its staff, unlike government schools nationwide and almost every other federal agency.

No names, job titles, or compensation details on the $1.4 billion payroll.

Much like the Pentagon audits, just stonewalling and obfuscation.

The Pentagon, under Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, is preventing details of their DEI policies from coming to light by abusing the Freedom of Information Act. They bamboozled the public with window dressing in Congressional hearings while forcing woke extremism on the roughly 70,000 children of our military service members.

It’s critical that taxpayers understand the scope of the DEI philosophy within the DoD’s schools – deployed service members often have no alternative but to use the Pentagon-run school system, called the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA).


We have further found that DoD under Secretary Austin is leveraging public record laws to the hilt to prevent parents and the public from knowing details of its efforts, while spending millions of taxpayer dollars on objectionable content for school children.  

DoDEA did not dismantle its DEI efforts. It redoubled those efforts and added deceit and dissembling to its mix.  

Given DoDEA’s recent history and press regarding extremist content in schools, heads must roll, and the agency must provide full transparency of teaching methods and its DEI-related policy operations.

Interview: Julian Assange Freed + Palestine’s Ancient History

Interview: Julian Assange Freed + Palestine’s Ancient History

I recently joined Mike Leavitt again on his show And If Love Remains, this time to discuss the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from prison as well as my new free e-book (and audiobook) A Brief History of Palestine: From Canaan through the Mandate Era.

Bullet-Point Summary

Topics we discussed include:

  • How Julian Assange was long persecuted by the US government for exposing its criminal activities.
  • Why Assange’s release from prison is fantastic news, although the downside remains that the US government has effectively criminalized the practice of journalism.
  • How WikiLeaks’ role in exposing the fundamentally undemocratic system in the US led the Democratic Party in collaboration with the Deep State to perpetrate the whole “Russiagate” hoax.
  • How Americans are indoctrinated from a young age into what I call “the state religion”, and why it is so critical for people to free themselves from this mental slavery.
  • Why I had stopped writing about the Israel-Palestine conflict entirely in recent years until I returned to the topic because of the Hamas-led attacks in Israel on October 7, 2023, and Israel’s genocidal retaliation in Gaza.
  • How I came to write my freely downloadable e-book A Brief History of Palestine: From Canaan through the Mandate era (also downloadable as an audiobook narrated by me).
  • How Christian Zionists who “support Israel no matter what” somehow manage to overlook the central theme of the Hebrew Tanakh, or what Christians call “The Old Testament”.
  • Why many Orthodox Jews viewed the Zionist movement as heretical (and why there are still Orthodox Jews who are anti-Zionist).
  • How key Biblical narratives cited by Jewish and Christian Zionists are unsupported by archaeological evidence.
  • The surprising truths that genetic studies have revealed about the ancestry of Jews and Palestinians.
  • Why the argument that all of Mandatory Palestine belonged to “the Jews” is totally nonsensical.
  • Why the claims that there was never any place called “Palestine”, that Arabs only recently immigrated to the area, and that the very idea of a “Palestinian” people is a modern invention are all idiotic hoaxes.
  • How the faux “libertarian” argument from genocide apologists Walter Block and Alan Futerman that the root cause of the conflict is inherent Arab anti-Semitism is contradicted even by their own cited sources.
  • How one major reason for Western support for the Zionist movement was rampant anti-Semitism (and the two other major reasons why the British government issued its infamous Balfour Declaration policy).
  • How Jews, Christian Arabs, and Muslim Arabs had peaceful relations in Palestine until the Zionist movement.
  • Why the claim that Arab states in 1948 launched an aggressive war to wipe Israel off the map is ahistorical nonsense.
  • Why the popular belief that the UN created Israel is a myth.
  • Why the ongoing genocide in Gaza is an effort to finish the job that was started in 1948 when Israel was created by ethnically cleansing most of the Arab population from their homes in Palestine.
  • How the US-led so-called “peace process” was always the means by which Israel and its superpower benefactor blocked implementation of the two-state solution.
  • Why Israel to this day does not meet the definition of statehood under international law.
  • Why to achieve a just peace requires Americans to awaken to the true nature of the conflict (as opposed to persisting in delusional beliefs resulting from indoctrination into Zionist propaganda narratives).

Highlighted Clips

Here are a few subtitled clips from the interview along with social media links for you to share!

The Common Ancestry of Jews and Palestinians

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Debunking Walter Block et al. on the Root Cause of Israeli-Palestinian Violence

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3 Reasons Why Great Britain Supported the Zionist Project

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The Myth of an Arab Invasion of Israel in 1948

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The Path to Peace in Palestine

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Mentioned Books

Here are the books of mine mentioned during the show:

Related Posts

Past Appearances on Mike’s Show

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They Will Want Boys and Men again… Anti-War Blog

The war pigs mount one another in squeals calling for blood as the drums of death beat to their cries. They want your boys and men…again. As war looms and imperial ambitions swell, the non-binary, obese, depressed, expecting mothers (or baby carrying persons) and furies never swelled to the recruitment centres, despite expensive advertisement campaigns. That was for the sort of peaceful times, the progressive facade of corporate government. Technology is not quiet there for the machines to operate themselves or a full force of distant controllers manipulating drones.

Meat in uniforms and men in boots are required. They will require many of the other genders, plenty of women too. Some won’t allow them in field force units, yet. But they won’t enlist as much as the boys. The abductions of boys and men in the Ukraine to fight as soldiers, barely trained, randomly armed and thrown to the front line meat grinder has shown us that despite being ruled by a fabulous president, it remains as it was centuries past.

The modern advertising for the military and how it has been functions has deterred those who would usually enlist and make foreign adventures possible. Conscription may again be in the cards.

Politicians and blathering media types like to discuss the importance of military service to a young man. They are given skills that they can barely use in civilian life, may suffer moral injury, or even physical ones, if they don’t die should they go to war. The previous decades of advertising and the governments own mantra has rejected the men of the past. Re-writing a history that suits the contemporary, celebrating sexuality over most other things. It sort of had the opposite effect. Not many people are enlisting. Not even the ones they were marketing to.

So the marketing has slowly changed. NATO and other Western nations are returning to the past, tried and true methods of propaganda. They want killers again, war fighters. The corporate and Hollywood tokenism and avatar box ticking is not as important now that peer vs peer conflict may occur.

No longer fighting insurgents, or conducting ‘police actions’ this may burn into a proper war. The political masters and the military seem keen on it, most of the state and corporate media all are onboard, the public is indifferent because to most of them wars are over there. These enemies, can reach over here.

So the less woke the recruitment advertising runs, the closer to war we may be. The sabre rattling and gunboat diplomacy is more than what was tolerated in the past. The hubris so swollen that its now normal. The foe are prepared for an asymmetry that arrogance and obese societies will not be prepared for. It will kill a lot of innocent people. No one will really win. But everyone shall lose.

The dog tags may have your pronoun and all those other social media tidbits no one asked to know, but the body bags will all look the same. War is a two way range, in the front while drones will hunt you down and artillery randomly explodes your TikTok followers won’t care about the dance or how you even feel. The enemy will kill you, And you will try to kill them. The civilians lost in between.

To the high schools they return, promising your kids careers. War, is not a long term job, you survive it or die. The next Hitler is in Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, Yemen, wherever they want them to go. The enemies want to take away freedom, yet they already dwindle away daily. Taken by those home grown. “War is good for the economy, conscription is a job program, be proud and patriotic, you owe your nation the service”, the repeated lies will come. You must serve your nation, those who won’t fight will bully those who must go. You all have mental health problems now, wait until the government you love marches us all to war.

July, 2024

Military Education and the Zampolit Parade Through the Institutions


The professional military education systems and the academies have been captured by the Inclusion, Equity and Diversity (IED) zampolit cadres in a detailed and comprehensive way.

In the military a zampolit is a political commissar or political officer (or politruk, a portmanteau word from Russian; translated as a political leader or political instructor); a supervisory officer responsible for the political education (ideology) and organization of the unit to which they are assigned, with the intention of ensuring political control of the military.

The report below is filled with citations and footnotes to a massive trove of insight into the creeping communist kudzu that is infiltrating the US and western militaries.

The bureaucracy this grift is creating is a massive drag not only on money but a complete reshaping of the Pentagon to become even more Soviet in ways the Russians would blanch at. The young minds being warped by this will ripple throughout the personnel ranks to curdle the flag ranks attained to a larger extent than the current stable of starred opportunists conducting their martial malpractice in the military now.

This is from 2023:

The Defense Department requested $114 million this week for its diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility or DEIA programs.

The request, which is the Pentagon’s largest ever ask for DEIA funding, comes as the agency failed its sixth audit of its accounts in as many years.

Cut this rot out.

An immense and well-rooted bureaucracy has been created within the DOD. The cost to support it mounts: the DOD has requested $114.7 million for 2024. While that sum may be
trimmed back and Congress will likely somewhat limit DEI programming, the request signals that DEI is a priority for the DOD. With spending increasing from $68 million in 2022 to
$86.5 million in 2023, the military leadership seeks to “inculcate DEI principles across all DOD efforts,” as a strategic goal.

The report evaluated “the history, evolution, and implementation of diversity and equity programs across all branches of the military and military academies.”

The DEI bureaucracy advancing critical race theory in the American military is vast and intrusive. Borrowing heavily from programs and ideas launched by human relations departments in large
corporations and academia, that bureaucracy exists not to defend the nation or produce the military leaders of the future. Instead, it produces training materials that parrot dubious, even
dangerous, theories that sow the seeds of division and resentment within the ranks of the military.

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Regime Apologists Continue to Insist the Carrier is Useful

this is how an atomic bomb melts an aircraft carrier
They misspelled disposable.
There is nothing hard to target about a very large ship traveling at very large ship speeds with very large wakes in the modern era by air breathing and non-air breathing detection assets. What this means is that all the carriers deployed (you’d be fortunate to get four of the eleven US carriers underway at once due to refitting and refueling maintenance cadence) can’t get near contested coastlines of sophisticated militaries like Russia and China but then again the Houthis in Yemen recently chased off a carrier battle group out of the Red Sea with no Navy whatsoever.
Go figure.
ADM Paparo: “Through the combination of counter-targeting, mobility, deception, electronic warfare, directed energy, and kinetic kill, a layered approach can provide defense-in-depth against and across enemy kill chains…”
Wrong, leakers in mass salvo competition will hit a part of the five acres of carrier deck. You don’t have to sink a carrier; reduce its speed by crippling a shaft or put a five degree list on it and it can’t launch aircraft. Or a Ford that can’t reliably launch and retrieve aircraft by design.
This tired and anachronistic apologia could have been written in the 1990s.
This is stunning and brave at the Naval Institute.
I am sure much applause happened off camera at the Aircraft Carrier Industrial Base Coalition (ACIBC).
Stop building these twentieth century dinosaurs.
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