
‘Fox News spoke to one of the people who was copied on the email, who confirmed its authenticity.’

Okay? There.

If you allowed James “Iraqi WMD/NSA Perjury” Clapper and the TV tell you to regurgitate Russia Russia Russia whenever someone mentions Crackhead Hunter Biden’s corruption and that his father lied about having nothing to do with his business dealings, as shown in these leaked emails, then here, go ahead and throw yourself down some stairs because I said so and apparently you’re that stupid.

The way the media and big tech have it in the bag for Biden this year is really something else. Twice as bad as last time. And I am not a Trump supporter. Just a liberal- and media-hater.

Update: Biden Spokeswoman: “I Don’t Think Anybody Is Saying They Are Inauthentic

New Associate Justice Barrett: Cops Can Rape Whoever They Want


Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett has been accused of “unconscionable cruelty” by a watchdog group over her role in an appellate court decision overturning a district court which found a Wisconsin county liable for millions in damages to a woman who alleged she had been repeatedly raped by a jail guard.

“After a 19-year old pregnant prison inmate was repeatedly raped by a prison guard, Amy Coney Barrett ruled that the county responsible for the prison could not be held liable because the sexual assaults fell outside of the guard’s official duties. Her judgment demonstrates a level of unconscionable cruelty that has no place on the high court,” Kyle Herrig, president of the progressive watchdog group Accountable said.

“Qualified immunity” for the perp, diffusion of responsibility for the county, so no accountability for a serial rapist member of your local security force. Like always.


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