
Fraud on Fraud: Compounding The LCS Follies

It only took the DoJ eight years to levy a fine for ripping off tax dollars. Imagine if journalists on the Pentagon beat actually went after the fraud and inefficiencies of the military industrial complex with investigative lenses and FOIA festivals that could shed...

Pentagon Follies: Accounting for DEI Expenditures

Inclusion, Equity and Diversity (IED) is communism in blackface. This viral contagion has raced to the top of government bureaucracies and, of course, facilitates a race to the bottom in quality and competence. The wizards at the Pentagon who have yet to account for...

A Failed Bank Job in Haiti

A Failed Bank Job in Haiti

On FPF #328, I break down how heavily armed American mercenaries got arrested outside the Haitian Central bank. The Intercept reports Haiti's president bribed a cutout to hire the Americans. The Americans then attempted to help the cutout transfer $80 million at the...



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