Gordon Prather, former nuclear weapons physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, discusses unsubstantiated claims Iran is secretly building nukes, the IAEA going beyond the scope of their mandate in Iran dealings, Bill Clinton's broken promises regarding N....
Bill Clinton
It’s Now Raimondo’s World
by Curt Mills | Jul 12, 2019 | Featured Articles, Libertarianism
Justin Raimondo is dying. It’s October 2018 and I am headed to the ‘Raimondo Ranch’, in Sebastopol, northern California, to visit the home of the founder of Antiwar.com, the cult website that kept the faith in the early days of the net as Bill Clinton mindlessly...
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson GI Suicide: Maybe It’s The Job?
by Steven Woskow | Jun 13, 2019 | Blog
The military just can't figure out why veteran and active duty suicides are at an all time high. Col. Wilkerson offers some reasons why. 18 years of constant wars have been the most inequitable years in US history. That is, the poor and the disadvantaged have done...
4/8/19 Medea Benjamin Rates the Democratic Presidential Candidates on Foreign Policy
by Scott Horton | Apr 10, 2019 | The Scott Horton Show
Medea Benjamin joins the show for a rundown of some of the democratic presidential candidates' positions on war and the military-industrial complex. Some candidates, like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, are better now than they once were, perhaps due to increased...
20 Years Ago: Bill Clinton Bombs Serbia, Killing Hundreds of Civilians
by Jim Bovard | Mar 25, 2019 | Featured Articles, Politics
Twenty years ago, President Clinton commenced bombing Serbia for no good reason. Up to 1500 Serb civilians were killed by NATO bombing in one of the biggest BS morality plays of the modern era. Clinton sold the bombing as a humanitarian mission, but the resulting...
3/22/19 Richard Booth on the OKC Bombing
by Scott Horton | Mar 23, 2019 | The Scott Horton Show
Richard Booth joins the show for an in-depth look at his work on the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. He's trying to collect as much source material related to the attack as he can into one place so that people can form their own conclusions on the incident's many...
2/15/19 Ali Abunimah on the Israel Lobby’s Double Standard
by Scott Horton | Feb 19, 2019 | The Scott Horton Show
Ali Abunimah comments on the recent controversy surrounding Minnesota's Representative Ilhan Omar and her tweets about the Israel lobby's influence in American politics. Unlike virtually any other lobby, explains Abunimah, AIPAC seems to be off limits in the public...
1/18/19 Daniel Lazare on America’s Inscrutable Foreign Policy
by Scott Horton | Jan 22, 2019 | The Scott Horton Show
Daniel Lazare comes on the show to talk about Hillary Clinton and her staff's role in America's latest wars in the Middle East. He says the story really goest back to Bill Clinton, who broke with Democratic Party tradition by supporting generally right-wing positions...
Production for Profit Is Production for People, part 2
"In his capacity as a businessman a man is a servant of the consumers, bound to comply with their wishes. He cannot indulge in his own whims and fancies. But his customers’ whims and fancies are for him ultimate law, provided these customers are ready to pay for them....
Production for Profit Is Production for People
"Profit and loss can be expressed in definite amounts of money. It is possible to ascertain in terms of money how much an individual has profited or lost. However, this is not a statement about this individual’s psychic profit or loss. It is a statement about a social...
"The detractors of liberty are in this sense right in calling it a 'bourgeois' issue and in blaming the rights guaranteeing liberty for being negative. In the realm of state and government, liberty means restraint imposed upon the exercise of the police power. "There...
Freedom and Competition
"The freedom of man under capitalism is an effect of competition. The worker does not depend on the good graces of an employer. If his employer discharges him, he finds another employer. The consumer is not at the mercy of the shopkeeper. He is free to patronize...
Do You Really Meme It?
I was going to write a comment on some current discourse, the usual diatribe of impulsive viral outrage invented by those who live online. A reaction to trending tantrums. The usual produce from memetards who vomit digital junk the algorithms, whether one follows them...
“Mature Capitalism” Ain’t Capitalism
"It would be correct to describe this state of affairs in this way: Today many or some groups of business are no longer liberal; they do not advocate a pure market economy and free enterprise, but, on the contrary, are asking for various measures of government...