
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones…

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones…

“Fire, Fire, Fire...” Christopher Hitchens says to his audience, a reference to Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes claim that by shouting “fire” in a crowded theatre one is misusing free speech. As Hitchens in his 2006 talk went on to explain, Holmes used this in his...

Davos Demolition Derby for World Freedom

Davos Demolition Derby for World Freedom

The World Economic Forum had their annual conference last week in Davos, Switzerland. Once again, the Davos crowd ran a demolition derby for the destruction of liberty around the globe. The WEF seized the COVID pandemic to champion a “Great Reset” to radically...

Demonizing Those Who Drive for Freedom

Demonizing Those Who Drive for Freedom

The denigration of the Canadian trucker protest convoy exemplifies how freedom is now the biggest villain of the COVID-19 pandemic. A Washington Post cartoonist portrayed the trucker convoy as “fascism” incarnate while another Post column derided the “toxic ‘Freedom...



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