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Liberty at the Movies: Vice

Liberty at the Movies: Vice

Vice tells the story of how Richard Chaney went from being expelled from Yale and drinking and fighting in his spare time to becoming the most influential Vice-President in history. Written and directed by Adam McKay who also directed The Big Short, Vice employs the...

Bring Me Men: A Review Of “First Man”

Bring Me Men: A Review Of “First Man”

I suppose the review to follow isn't all too apropos of Libertarianism, so to start I'll mention two ways in which it relates. First, of all the bad things The Empire has done, Neil Armstrong's footprint on The Moon represents probably the best thing it has done. ...

The Antiwar Comic: The One Way Debate

Surprisingly nice comments on this one in imgur calling it nuanced.  Perhaps they were being ironic?  I don't know.  This is all I hear when I try to discuss these things. For more comics visit The Webcomic Factory.

What We Aren’t Being Told About Myanmar?

The narrative we’re being served on Myanmar is a cartoon. On the one hand we have villains — who have conveniently already been subject to “liberal humanitarian” demonization for years now — who have allegedly decided to go on a campaign of gang rape, infanticide and...

Saturday Morning Cartoons

Haha. If you've got the patience, check out Cathy Young and Reason magazine's ridiculous attack on Ron Paul and Antiwar.com to go along with a giant steaming pile of Tom Palmer horseshit about the most dangerous threat to libertarianism -- Tsar Vlad the Terrible of...

Libertarian Law Is More Humane

I've been reviewing David Friedman's The Machinery of Freedom for an upcoming article.  I want to think about how Libertarian ideas for decentralized law could be applied in the realm of international politics.  One thing that strikes me whenever I read about these...



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