
The Real Enemy: The Bin Ladenites

Probably-ISIS just attacked civilians at a theater in Moscow. I have no reason to believe the U.S. is currently backing these terrorists like back in the Clinton and Bush years, other, perhaps than that they did then, but regardless, this terrorism should be a...

It’s the Inflation, Stupid!

It’s the Inflation, Stupid!

At the beginning of last year, economist Paul Krugman wondered aloud whether Americans would even notice if the economy improved. In his considered opinion, it was already obvious that the economy was humming along merrily and that ordinary shmucks just didn’t get it....

Power as Property: Inside the Mind of a Politician

Power as Property: Inside the Mind of a Politician

The defense of property is a relatively undisputed right of the citizenry. If someone threatens the safety of you or your family, or insinuates a threat by trespassing, breaking and entering, or burglarizing your property most people won’t blink at the use of force in...



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