Drone strike

News Roundup 11/15/18

Troops deployed to the southern border are living in poor conditions. [Link] A ceasefire takes hold in Gaza. [Link] Israel’s Defense Minister resigns over the Israeli government's accepting a ceasefire with Hamas. [Link] US airstrikes kill at least 22 Syrian...

News Roundup 3/27/18

Trump expels 60 Russian diplomats from the US for Russia's alleged role in the UK nerve agent attack. [Link] 21 other countries will join the US and expel at least one diplomat. [Link] The father of the Pulse Nightclub shooter was an FBI informant from 2005-2016....

News Roundup 2/7/18

Senator Grassley releases a memo on the FISA warrant application to spy on the Trump campaign. [Link] A look at the mismanagement of US nuclear weapons contracts. [Link] Mattis is pushing for the US to develop sea-based nuclear Cruise Missiles. [Link] Trump is pushing...



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