
Why We Don’t Negotiate

Why We Don’t Negotiate

The signature of Joe Biden's State Department has been the abdication of diplomacy. Its head, Antony Blinken, the chief U.S. diplomat, has abdicated the role of diplomat. Though obvious in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea, this absence of diplomacy has been...

Why I Left the Democratic Party

Why I Left the Democratic Party Briefly, the State is that organization in society which attempts to maintain a monopoly of the use of force and violence in a given territorial area; in particular, it is the only organization in society that obtains its revenue not by...

A Note About My Health

A Note About My Health

I have some hard news to share. I recently had a seizure. After undergoing tests, I was diagnosed with stage-4 lung cancer (although I have never smoked) that has spread to my brain. The average life expectancy of those with my condition is very short. I am grateful...

WaPo: Trump Plans Massive Tariffs If Re-Elected

WaPo: Trump Plans Massive Tariffs If Re-Elected

Former President Doanld Trump privately met with his top economic advisors last week and discussed plans for major tariff increases, three people familiar with the meeting told the Washington Post. One of the ideas which was floated involves a “universal baseline...



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