
About Bloody Time They Let Him Go…BUT…

About Bloody Time They Let Him Go…BUT…

“About Bloody Time,” the common Aussie utters to the news that Assange is now free. They are letting Assange go free, to return to Australia. The condition was that he had to reach a plea deal. Admit he was guilty. A compromise that removes a man from his legal limbo,...

A Critique of Practical Hasbara

A Critique of Practical Hasbara

Immanuel Kant published The Critique of Pure Reason in 1781. It was the same year the Rebel Alliance triumphed at Yorktown, Virginia. The victory at Yorktown made possible the decline of the British “liberal” empire and the eventual rise of Washinton DCs “non-empire”...

Rights for the Synthetic

Rights for the Synthetic

"The future of human-AI coexistence depends on acknowledging the potential for sentient machines and reevaluating responsibilities towards them. It's crucial to consider the ethical implications of creating beings that may possess their own interests, desires, and...

A Critique of Pure Hasbara

A Critique of Pure Hasbara

Hasbara is a central feature of genocidal Zionism: “Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has successfully created a new illogic of its own; an illogic that has made the illegal seem legal, the immoral appear moral and the undemocratic sound democratic. It has...

They Kept Sending Us Bombs…Anti-War Blog

As I saw the photos of US politician Nikki Haley scribbling on an Israeli shell bound for Rafah, it’s metal splinters and high explosives likely to rip a small child too pieces, it had me thinking. I once saw a clip of a US Air Force man who was asked why they were...



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