free markets

Chinese Laughing at Us

How badly off course is the USA when the Chinese Communist Party's essentially fascist dictatorship can credibly laugh and mock our failures like this? The Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump governments have driven this country into the ground with their horrible foreign,...

The Case for Free Market Capitalism

The Case for Free Market Capitalism (images from New Zealand and Hong Kong- two of the three most freest economies in the world, source: Capitalism: A social system based on the explicit...

If Adam Smith Were Writing the Wealth of Nations Today

“It is not from the benevolence of the mask maker, glove maker, or hand-sanitizer maker that we expect our person protective equipment, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk...

Live Your Life

Could it be that we’re simply a victim of our own technology and the hubris acquired in response to its perceived capabilities?



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