
What is Libertarianism?

What is Libertarianism?

"The Libertarian creed rests upon one central axiom: That no man or group of men may aggress against the person or property of anyone else.....Libertarians make no exceptions to the golden rule and provide no moral loophole for 'government'." - For a New Liberty by...

bitcoin is Dead: Finale

bitcoin is Dead: Finale

Click here for Part 5 For the audio version, check out my podcast A Boy Named Pseu where you can download it on all podcast platforms. (read starts at 8:54) Read full piece here. If bitcoin is dead, then it has no value proposition Bitcoin’s mere existence is its...

Peter Schiff Style, Roast of Democrat Economics

Peter Schiff Style, Roast of Democrat Economics

Democrats argue for a high minimum wage, as they criticize Reaganomics for causing unemployment. But they have the situation backwards.  The Minimum wage causes unemployment, and Reaganomics caused a financial boom that for decades created wealth that rose the middle...

Ex CEO of Overstock Has Definitely Been Red-pilled

From Zerohedge Patrick Byrne the ex-CEO of Overstock sold his entire holding of stock totaling 90 million dollars.  What did he do with the money? "...after paying tens of millions in taxes (after all, “We didn’t build that,” right?) by Friday the rest will be in...



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